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Posts posted by Jeremy

  1. As my playlist was shuffling along, I thought I heard a spooky remix of Zelda: A Link to the Past.

    Specifically, of the princess rescue music - the music that plays when you've beaten a boss and one of the princesses in question is telling you backstory.

    This music.


    But it wasn't!  It was actually the track called "Storytime."

    From the Edward Scissorhands soundtrack.

    This music.



    Basically...if someone could get on making that a real thing, I'd be most appreciative.

  2. This is another song that stuck with me for 20 years after the game was released. The theme of the desert level is a jazz riff that is both really well-done and completely out-of-place in Aladdin - both facts probably played a role in making me remember it.

    It starts at 2:00 here:

    Oddly, someone else made a collection of "the music from Aladdin for Sega" and an entirely different piece of music is present there:

    Starts at 2:31 here:

    This second song isn't the one I'm thinking about at all.

  3. This has the kind of appeal you'd expect from a much older game than it is.

    Animaniacs (Sega Genesis version) wasn't what I'd call a good game. And most of the music isn't good music.

    But the last level's music is really catchy - to the point that I remembered the tune two decades later - long after forgetting everything else about the game. Hearing that made from a catchy semi-epic jingle into an actual well-arranged song would be a real treat.

    This particular earworm can be found here:

    starting at 1:05.

    ...huh. Actually, looking it over, the music from the closing credits might be an even better candidate:

    starting at 1:44.
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