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Everything posted by eetei

  1. The last soundtrack sounds kinda futuristic. Didnt find it in any racing game though. Maybe it's from an action or adventure game. Edit: This is the final soundtrack https://soundcloud.com/user778018649/produce-6
  2. OMG Garpocalypse you are a god! Really nice spotted there! Thank you so much Brandon: I think they wanted us to go through some great "old school" soundtracks and figure out what kind of music that goes well with different genres of games. Forgive me my english, dont know how to explain it better Only one to go now! Im looking on youtube videos like crazy, really want to get this one!
  3. The tension song sounds kinda like the mdk soundtrack.
  4. Anything with the remaining two soundtracks that makes you think about something? I get the feeling that #3 is from an action or racing game and that #2 is from a stealth game or like exploring a cave or something. I think that #3 sound alot like Syphon Filter 2 but it's not quite right.
  5. Ohh well spotted! Wasnt there a unreal game to Ps1 also? Only two games left now! We can do this!
  6. Thanks for the tips YoshiBlade. I will check up Tim Wrights soundtracks! Update: I didnt find anything though.
  7. Jet Moto was correct! Found it on soundtrack nr "4". Thanks alot man
  8. Hey! I'm currently doing a class in game sound design, and one of the extra assignments we got was finding the names of various games based on small samples from their soundtracks. This time around it ended up being PS1 games only. So far I've managed to find 6 out of 10 tracks just by googling around and matching these themes, however, it now feels like I've hit a brick-wall. I'm turning to you guys because I know that you are talented people with alot of experience in game soundtracks. I'd really appreciate if any of you could take a listen and see if you recognize any of the tracks. Playlist of the remaining soundtrack samples: https://soundcloud.com/user778018649/sets/ps1 Thanks in advance!
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