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Everything posted by 73dotsMemory

  1. This isn't for a game, but it has a similar style so I hope it is appropriate to ask here. This is a paid job. Need ~1 minute of music as a theme. Will be used in Youtube videos and possibly elsewhere. This is a non-profit venture. Videos will be educational, on subjects ranging from moral philosophy, environmentalism, health, theology, and modern spirituality and quantum physics. Subject matter will be critical of most organized religion, pseudoscience, corporate politics, animal agriculture, and the consumerist culture of fear and greed that supports them. So, if you have a problem with that, please don't complain later that some godless dirty hippy cult tricked you and stole your music. We would like to meet somebody we can work with over the long term, so please let us know why you're interested (aside from the money), and why you think you'd be a good fit. This is sporadic occasional part-time work at most. Purely contract work. The timeline for delivery is not pressing. The music should sound Buddhist/Wicca inspired and ancient/mystical, like a long lost temple in a midnight forest on all hallow's eve, but also epic and spine-chilling (not something to put people to sleep). We're looking for a realistic sound (not 8-bit or synthetic sound), no need for live instruments at the moment though. Whatever sample library you use currently should be fine. Voice is good (background singing/chanting), and if you have experience with that all the better, but we can also hire some vocal talent later if necessary. Please private message with any questions or comments, to tell us if you're interested, and to link to any examples in your portfolio that you think can show you'll be able to capture the feeling we're after. Thanks for reading.
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