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Posts posted by mowseler

  1. (Adding to the list) Mowseler#1221

    I recently started playing, despite having the game since release, and I am pleasantly surprised with how hooked I am. Been practicing with Mercy and Pharah - trying to find a sniper and tank I enjoy.

  2. On 7/7/2016 at 6:59 AM, djpretzel said:

    Necro-bump? Well, kinda... saw this on my Facebook feed and thought it did a damn good job of handling some of the topics we've discussed here, WITHOUT stumbling into the same obvious, tired traps that Anita and others do:


    This is the only one of these types of videos I've ever been able to watch until the end. She really laid out all of the information and presented it in a non-inflammatory manner, which is more than I can say for many others. I admire that she didn't top it off with a 'we need to do X' narrative, either.

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