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Posts posted by washudoll

  1. I like this game. At first at thought the game AND the soundtrack will suck just judging the first trailer. But they improved alot since then. The game is really fun to play. Sure it isn't made by a Japanese company (RIP Technos)but it has Bimmy and Jimmy and Megaman as a boss. Oh and if you duck seven times between two tomb stones at some point you will get an annoying yet helpful ally.


  2. I am currently watching Zenki now. I downloaded all the eps some years ago never had the chance to watch it until now. Beginning is boring but it gets pretty good later. Underrated but good.

  3. Wow.. I really am jealous at you guys. I could have met some OCR people. Sucks to live in Europe and not having enough time to go. Well Tensei lives in the same country as I so maybe I should ask him how he planned all of this.

    I got 27 days to spend this year though :). Any cool events planned this year?

  4. Once we get writeups from Cyril for his 5 tracks, Krow gets in touch about his songs, and we get someone to master the rest of the unmastered songs, we could be very, very close to wrapping this up. I'm willing to just put in a few days solid and beast through the encoding and tagging, that's not a big deal. I just need help with the mastering.

    So Emunator, any updates regarding this project? How is everything going?

    Need Help?


  5. I will not say anything more on the release date. That date is up to us when the material is completed & OCR, and the speculation/prodding for a date is quite distasteful.

    All I will say is that we are closing in on the finish line here with almost all the tracks done. I will not be around to see the release of the album as I lose contact with everyone in one week due to shipping out to boot camp.

    Damn.. who's going to take over from here on?

    Bahamut we need you :(

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