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Posts posted by Shhwonk

  1. 15 hours ago, Gario said:

    Sick playing, man. Once you get the bass in there it should be a damn solid arrangement. Welcome to the WIP boards, by the way, here's hoping to hear more from you!

    Moar Shovel Knight would be perfect :D

    Thanks so much, :) i'll definitely be posting regularly.

    12 hours ago, AngelCityOutlaw said:


    This is sounding epic! I too can't wait for the bass. I'd say currently the lead guitar is a smidge quiet but...is that...is that vibrato I hear in your playing? Thank god. Not going to lie, usually when I see "metal" as the genre for the remix, I usually expect the lead guitars to sound like a swarm of mosquitoes.

    HURRY AND FINISH THIS DAMN IT. There are dragons in need of slaying!

    Also, another Canadian! Awesome B)

    Thank you!!! that really is a hell of a compliment.
    also, i agree with you in regards to the lead guitar playing in vg music, haha!!

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