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    New York

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  1. I honestly wonder how everyone who has listened to this piece has not given it a review....a positive review at that. I first heard this song well over 6 months ago when I first started getting into vg remixes....I fair share that I've heard and the few that I've collected which I have on playlists circulating from time to time. But you now these are just remixes...how good could they be compared to the real deal? I'd never consider burning them or even listening to them over...and over...and over again... Until I heard this one....my god...Angelic is not just a fan remix...this is a whole new song....everyone who is in my car and hears this song says 'wow who is this by, this is great!'....they are all agasp when I say 'oh this is from a video game and fan made' Simply put man...this mix is beautiful...utterly and completely...the flow is so amazing from the start off with cymbols to the end which comes together with the bells and then slowly treads off with the acoustic guitar...amazing... To call this a remix does it no justice...Angelic is simply put one of thee best songs I've ever heard in my entire life, and thats saying something....period. Bravo dude.
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