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Rux Ton

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Everything posted by Rux Ton

  1. I am a very long-time lurker (my old account was wiped i believe from the old forum) but I have been around peeping since the early days and I will say this community is just filled with talented people who have helped me develop over-time. I actually got really life-changing advice when i was super young here about my direction of music and I took it to heart and well, now I am a much better artist than I ever have been. You will love it here! Much love ❤️
  2. Hey thanks a lot for chiming in btw, this is REALLY useful information that I feel every electronic producer or musician should definitely read about. I hope you don't mind me screenshotting this for future reference as I know some people that would benefit from this information. (Some dev teams that want to use samples in their work that might hurt them, specifically)
  3. In a sense yeah. Some people however still go after other artists because of popularity's sake.Its kind of a grey area.
  4. In all honesty man it doesnt matter because it mostly depends on if the artist will care or not that you've bootlegged their voice. Truthfully its a hit or miss honestly. And for remix contests yeah, they have to have permission since that is incredibly illegal. And in the agreement when you download the stems its stating that you ONLY use the stems for the contest and nothing else. But thats up to you to follow really. Regardless if you put in the description, you can still get in trouble. I find it really just is best to not even worry about it. Let the people figure it out and not make yourself an easy target. This is how electronic music culture kind of always has been as far as bootleg remixes or sampling really. Its pretty crisp and clear in this sense so, i hope that helps. I mean you can ask but, it may or may not happen. So just do it, don't take note to it, and let it be. Or if you REALLY wanna put it in the description by all means do it. A bootleg is still a bootleg so remember that.No matter what, itll technically be illegal. Depending on the length which is a smallll section of a song i forgot the length but its literally small, but change it up enough and no one is going to care
  5. I mean since you aren't goin to have full permission it's entirely up to you at that point. I usually don't because I'd liek my chances of getting caught doing that to be slim, even if my music is free. My view on sampling in that sense is very much oldschool where I believe its totally okay to sample stuff (thats why I like artists like Elton John who publicly announced he didn't care) But in the end-all grand scheme of things its totally up to you.
  6. I'm honestly not really concerned about credibility over my language. I understand where you are coming from but its just apart of my character. My content still exists and still teaches the very same, people can get over some curse words.
  7. (IF for whatever reason this is not allowed, go ahead and delete it and well.. if its not allowed I will then know, in which case I apologize!) Hey guys. So I've lurked around here since FL Studio was a baby at version 3 (i'll never forget) And I have ALWAYS wanted to be apart of OCRemix. I used to replace midis with instruments and post them here, good times. Anyway, now that I have overly matured over the years I finally have some things I want to contribute. Aside from working on a game development team, and having a side Donkey Kong Country remix project I am doing on my own, I want to help YOU. All of the knowledge I have gathered I want to do my best to help out those who once were in my position in my younger years http://www.youtube.com/c/ruxtonrukkus Is my youtube channel. I will use this post to update this first post and categorize my tutorials in a better fashion. I specialize in sound design, and heavier electronic music so, keep that in mind (I am a bit of a shitposter as well which you may hear a few times in a video) The main reason aside from wanting to contribute though is I want people to listen to some of my works and ask me questions, or even ask me without knowing my skill level. Thats up to you. I want to be able to do as much as I can with youtube and doing FL Studio tutorials to help rid of the pain-staking searches and hunts I know some people go on. The only problem is, without someone asking me super specific questions, I can't fill that void to make it easy. So I was also use this top post to create a pending list of questions I get from people, and change them out when they are finished. This is something I have always wanted to do. To start things off i'll just put a link under this bit of text to a tutorial that I think may help people come up with interesting fills using the arpeggio tool in FL Studio with FPC. Before I post the link I want EVERYONE to keep in mind that I am all self-taught. I do not know all of the exact proper terminology all of the time, but don't think you need to be that advanced to make music. Use your ears as that i the most important tool for all of us producers and such. HERE is the featured video: Anyways, feel free to ask me how to do things and I will surely do help to the best of my ability!
  8. There really is only one way to answer your question. No matter what it is, it's going to be a liability issue. You can still get in trouble without permission no matter how different it sounds because legally it wouldn't be your property. Here are two examples. Mr. Bill and Skrillex use vocal chops from random Acapellas. Skrillex SPECIFICALLY for example did that song Sorry with Justin Bieber. The "oooo oo" vocals are not actually Justin, but its from an acapella he had. I believe he had those samples cleared because of course, it's a liability issue and he could have gotten sued for it. No matter if its sung, or talking, yelling etc and no matter what kind of manipulation you end up doing, if it isnt your voice, its not your property. Dance music for decades has been known to be bootleggish in the sense of people still release stuff without getting it cleared. That still happens today. Its up to you to judge if its enough for you to get caught doing it, but if you have the chance to clear it, i'd choose to do that before anything else. I hope that kinda clears things up for ya.
  9. I started making music 15 years ago. And fast forward, im going on 24 and I too have slowed down a little bit. I understand what you mean. To me, its a disciplinary thing. You make time for it and make it a set thing, and just do little things. sound design, minor mixing, etc. Don't overwhelm yourself, and slowly reintroduce more and more. Ive fallen out of the loop (heh heh no pun intended ) SOO many times but i in a way kind of force myself to make music. I dont really FORCE the creativity but i make sure that im "exercising" the muscle or so-to-speak.
  10. Ah! The good man himself (I messaged you before a long time ago saying this but you really shifted my direction with some good critique a long time ago. good stuff) Thanks a lot for that information man. I'm gonna report back to the team about this and utilize this is a major key in how we go about this soundtrack. Thanks for the great feedback and again thanks for that amazing library. I feel like its a game changer (literally in this sense tbh)
  11. But what if for example i have a sample library of like.. trumpet samples that are long recorded out in a C5, is it just as simple as finding a loop point somewhere that's really tight? I feel liek im over complicating the process. I made a video showing what I am doing but im just wondering if it's enough. Ive heard of C700 but im trying to stick to an in FL only way of doing it as im on a team with 2 other guys who use FL Studio and are musicians that play instruments (they will be recording some stuff too) so im just lookign to see what other options we do have. Yeah i really want that Super Audio Cart. Im so proud of this community and Zircon for coming up with that (i swear ive been waiting on something like that to come out for years!)
  12. Hi there. I've been a lurker here for such a long time (got my start here even) and over the years I've met a lot of people blah blah- basically i've landed on a game dev team and we have been avidly prepping up a game Now for a while we talked about styles of music and how we wanted to go about it. Leader of the team is a HUGE earthbound guy and is very inspired by the whole Mother series and we kind of came to a compromise of.. Emulating the SNES sound, but using it stylistically (He originally wanted to use soundfonts but, legally I don't feel okay with that, plus I want my own unique sounds from my own library i've created myself) I came up with my own system to emulate it but also to modernize it so it won't sound too lo-fi. I've used the loop point method in Edison to make a tight loop and i record one middle C note of whatever sound i want. Be it a synth i design or a sample of a flute etc. But I was wondering what other ways are there to emulate that .. sort of SNES sound? I know there is bit reduction involved but I don't know if thats something i want to totally do. I notice when I try to get a tight loop sometimes I get a popping sound at the loop. I try to cover that up using slight release tails and the infamous SNESverb tape delay effect. But I feel like I could do more? Like... what could we do with the drums? I'm open to discuss any type of SNES style music production here honestly. I'm just looking at what else I can do. If you guys have samples of things you've done definitely feel free to share. This is something i've thought about for a while but never really spoke about until today. Im really curious to find more information, specifically for FL Studio. PS Sorry this is all over the place, i'm a little bad at organizing my thoughts properly.
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