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Posts posted by Lord_Bif

  1. Hello everyone!

    I can't figure out why I didn't join actively this community before, so let's do this.
    I'm Lord Bif, I'm from Paris, France, I'm 29, and I create VGM covers on YouTube for about 2 years now (the name is Lord Bif Music). At first I basically wanted to learn how to record instruments and produce music and video, and for doing it without more difficulty, I thought I could do covers of VGM, since I'm a player too. That way, and by posting it on YT, I thought it was a good way for having feedback and imrpove myself. 

    In the end, I love that, so I still do VGM covers, but with more arrangement, trying to go out of my comfort zone. I work on Cubase, and I play mostly drums, guitar, bass, and some piano and cello (as a newbie). My favorites games those days are Mass Effect series, Dragon Age series, and multiplayers games such as Overwatch, Heroes of the Storm and The Secret World. 

    In real life, I'm a web developer and I like many things, but not extremely uncommon. Thanks for reading, and see you on the forums!

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