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  1. This is exactly what I'm trying to say haha. I wanted to avoid people saying "Oh you need ____ instrument bundle" and it ends up being a full orchestra pack with no other instruments. I still want synths and guitars etc.
  2. Thanks for the reply Rozovian. Like Kat mentioned the NI site does have a breakdown on whats in each package. I think the Select bundle wouldn't get me where I need to be. At this point I'm sold on Kontakt thanks to Kat and a bit of other digging around I've done. I know its not the easiest question to answer so thanks for both of your input. And yep I am aware that Chrono Trigger is a lot of Orchestra but I mean I want to avoid BIG BAND... trying to think of who does remixes that are similar... Either way I'm looking for that atmospheric feel but without going 100% orchestra if that makes any sense...
  3. I've never been a piano player so I think Semi-weighted would probably feel good enough. But since I'll be dropping a few hundred on kontakt my purse strings are tight for the next few months. I can definitely afford an unweighted mini midi keyboard at this point plus the travel capability is a big bonus. For now I think I'll stick with the Mini's and move up down the line. Would you say using pads are more intuitive for playing percussion? The knobs and wheels are right up my alley as I like the thought of adjusting settings / pitch / instrument variables on the fly. I just feel like controlling via mouse input is not really ideal for any of this... at all. And yes Guitar Center did shut down in Canada. Only a few of their items still ship out here - most of which are not the midi controllers unfortunately.
  4. Hey guys, Xpand!2 is on sale for $1 here.
  5. Hey Kat, thank you so much for the suggestions. ESPECIALLY the crossgrade version of Kontakt. You just put nearly $200 back in my pocket (CAD booo....). I'm liking a lot of what Impact has to offer as well. Really appreciate all the help. As far as the Focusrite Solo goes, I'm thinking I'll use that to start out - but I'm thinking I might need a MIDI keyboard / pad as well. Specifically looking at this little guy due to price. Thoughts on a starter keyboard? I cant seem to find a used MIDI keyboard for any less than this so why not - I travel a lot too for work so this would be a nice product to haul around. Again thank you for the suggestions so far
  6. Hey guys, I finally decided to sign up for an account after all these years of lurking on the site (a decade... and a half... plus one. Getting Old <.<). I have a huge appreciation for all the remixers on this site - except Preenus ( yes you Snappleman and Virt ) because you destroyed my sound system with 'Full Mast' </3 *Insert crying face*. I've taken the plunge and started my own RPG but am at a crossroads for music development. I am trying to figure out which DAW to invest in. I need something that will be intuitive, have lots of plugin support/community, and handle live recording as well. Most of the reviews I've read point to Reaper for what I want. I'm looking into Studio One as a number of people have suggested that DAW as well. Only problem is Reaper has no instruments to go with it. What would you guys suggest for starting out my instrument library? I keep coming back to Komplete 11 Select but am concerned it will be overwhelming as well as not have specific instruments I am looking for. Does anyone have experience with the Komplete Select suite? I also want a really good drum kit as nothing beats a solid beat. I'll be recording my guitar via mic as I have no line outs and a ton of pedals I'd like to use - any suggestions on interfaces to use? I was looking into the Focusrite line a few years ago. Has to be able to record vocals as well The style of music I am looking for is Final Fantasy / Chrono Trigger with splashes of Megaman and electronic/industrial in spots. Nothing big band / big orchestra and nothing chiptune or retro 8/16 bit. Synth, strings, pads, etc.. TLDR Summary: Suggested DAWs for VTS and Live guitar / vocals Instrument Suite for starting out Drum Kits people prefer Guitar / Vocal interface suggestions Thank you for any feedback! Any other suggestions for getting started that are more specific than in the getting started thread would be really appreciated!
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