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Posts posted by Wolfblur

  1. Thanks for the heads up, uploaded the wav to Soundcloud.

    Yeah I kinda did my best with the horns. I'm using NI's Session Horns Pro and while I messed a lot with the sounds note by note, I guess I could try and dive back in and monkey with it some more. If that intro is the main offsetting thing I might explore into doing a guitar/bass opening instead if I can't tidy up the horns. Just haven't been able to find much help on the internet for making the best out of vst horn sets as yeah, I don't really have the resources to do live horn recording haha.

    Thanks for the insight and warm welcome though~

  2. Hey everyone,

    More over posting this out of curiosity on the feedback more than anything. I wouldn't consider myself a pro-level by any means but it's still nice to get some feedback and criticism from people who know their stuff every now and then haha. Anyway, this is a ska/punk/rock/whathaveyou remix of ASGORE from Undertale. It was kinda just a fun personal project I did nearly a year ago and wanted to make an ASGORE remix that wasn't just straight up metal or orchestral and so forth. Hoping the reviews on it give me some more umph to make some jams again since, well, you know how it goes sometimes. (If I need to post at a different upload site just lemme know)


    Thanks everyone!

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