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Esme Allan

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Posts posted by Esme Allan

  1. Just a brief hello here! Been making music for about a year, and decided this would be a good place to become less isolated in my endeavours. I run a YouTube channel which SHOULD get updated every two weeks... I'm not that great with music at the moment, but hey, maybe if I bash my head against the wall long enough?

    Anyone who feels they could use a newbie for some slave work help, feel free to ask. I'm all up for being useful!


  2. I'm new here. Very new. I couldnt think of a good place to start... So here it is! My first upload onto this site. Definitely not worthy for submission.

    A version of both Locked Girl ~ The Girl's Secret Room and Natural History of the Childlike Duo. These songs are not really linked together other than being from the same franchise but hey, I did what I did. 


     Looking for feedback on whatever! All I'd say is bear in mind: I am a complete amateur and the mixing/mastering is rather a mess. 

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