Now...I haven't played FFT for a little while now, but I seem to remember that the only NPCs that leveled up along with you were the ones you met in random battles on the world map. It seemed like the ones in story sequences had fixed levels.
Because I specifically remember power leveling really, really early in the game (right after you visit the castle, and set out to clear some bandits out of a town) and destroying everyone there with my Calculator, Samurai, and Ninja while Delita and the other NPCs waddled around at, like, level 5.
But I might be wrong...and yes, Velius was a bitch and a half. I had to start my entire game over because I saved RIGHT before the fight with him, and (as everyone knows) you can't go anywhere else when you do that.
Anyway, to stay on topic...
Ricardo Martinez in the Arcade mode of Hajime no Ippo 2: Victorious Road (a.k.a. Victorious Boxers 2) has got to be one of the most impossible "bosses" ever. I've heard of people going through upwards of fifty matches without even knocking him down ONCE. Your punches hardly even faze him, and of course he can send YOUR sorry ass to the canvas with only one or two punches.
The only proven solution seems to be to cheese your way past him by initiating your slow-mo special and then throwing nothing but uppercuts to the body. And even then, you need to be landing about fifty to a hundred of those per round, along with avoiding every single one of his punches, before you can even THINK about beating him.
What's that, you ask?
Have I beaten him?
Goodness no.
I can't even get to him.
I can't even come close to winning the rematch with Sendo, for the Japanese title.
As far as I can recall, he's got a height, weight, and reach advantage on poor Ippo (who I suck with anyway!) and can stagger me with just a few hits, while nothing I throw can even slow him down. If I try to dash in, I eat a monster combo. If I try to duck and weave to avoid his punches, he shrugs off everything I send back at him and staggers me with another combo.
Lord, Arcade mode is frustrating.
I can destroy just about everyone I face in Boxer's Road, but Arcade just kills me.