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Posts posted by Ka0sph3re

  1. 22 minutes ago, JohnStacy said:

    Actually my focus for my master's is recording. The issue is that I'm isolated from campus, so all original composition recording basically falls on me, and I haven't been able to record the stuff yet.

    I am releasing an original album in the next few months.

    Ah I see, well that's cool to hear.

    Link it up here when you're done.

  2. On 3/24/2019 at 4:25 AM, JohnStacy said:

    I have a few non-vgm endeavors. 

    I am currently working on a master's degree in music composition, and planning to continue in a DMA in music composition. As a result I'm doing a lot of composition and arranging of many different non-VGM things. Sadly I don't have that many recordings, especially of things done during the master's degree (I have recordings of undergrad things). The university I go to has absolutely horrible sound recording capabilities and most of the recordings of my pieces are borderline unusable. The performance quality is also iffy for some of them. 

    BUT thanks to the magic of remote session musicians and modern recording technology, I am starting to get recordings this way. If you ever see anything released by the February 33 Jazz Orchestra, note that although it sounds like a hoppin 28 person jazz band, it really is only 6-10 guys that record everything themselves in about 6-10 locations from around the world and mixed.

    That's pretty cool about the composition studying. Shame about the lack of recording but I guess that's not the focus with your degree. I did a bachelor's degree in Creative Music Technology so of course the we had good equipment but most composition and arrangement was left mainly to us with little schooling. Different focus.

  3. Now it works!

    Sounds like you're well on your way already, as you said it's just finding the right sounds and working the arrangement so it's not too repetativep.

    A couple of tips regarding the arrangement.

    Instrument breaks
    A great way to break the monotony is having something like a drum break which gives the ears a short break and then you can go back in to the main melodies and it sounds exciting again. It's like a chorus in a song, everyone wants to sing along to it but if it was only a chorus it would suck. The piano break at 2:10 in the original is a good example of this, it breaks the monotony but you know a thumping beat is just round the corner.

    A lot of VGM loop go in a very liner fashion very much an ABCD progression. Doing something like an ABCADC progression puts the A section in different context each time and gives it a lot life.


    Hope this helps.


  4. 25 minutes ago, Yusou said:

    ok I know this is kinda barebones at the moment(no plugin mixing applied yet), but I was hoping for maybe a little guidance (just a little). I love the source, but the loop isn't really that long and I am trying to figure out ways to flesh this out to at least the 3 or 4 minute range without it being too repetitive. Here is the source 

    and here is my version, which is a bit faster with a higher octave range

    mirage zone yusou demo.wavUnavailable

    Link to your version isn't working.

  5. 2 minutes ago, Souperion said:

    Well, welcome to the community! I remember much rage quits associated with this song. Ah, good times. I kinda appreciated the simple approach you took to this piece, quite faithful to the original with an almost relaxed feel to it. In fact, it occurred to me how great this song could be with a surfer swing. But, I digress. I don't have the best to offer as far as technical advice, especially with guitars and the like. I'm not too sure about the squealies in the beginning, and the synth you pull up for the second half bit is a fair bit fuzzy. The rhythm and lead guitars seem to compete a little bit, since they are in similar ranges. But I love that chugging, gritty bass. It's a pretty fun piece to listen too, all in all, keep at it!

    Surfer swing would be an interesting take on this one.

    I definitely went for a more live feel hence the sequels on the guitar ect. There asrn't actually any rhythm and leads playing at the same time anywhere on the track, it got real messy when I tried that.

    The bass distortion is real fat though so you're probably thinking of that.


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