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Posts posted by KnockKnock

  1. I have a mac, and am only able to do any music writing in garageband. Obviously, the better work on the site here is NOT done in Garageband. Actually, I don't think anything here is.

    Anyways, I have been playing around a lot with the instruments that are supplied, and I have a small budget so buying soundpacks would be challenging. But to the point, what is a better music making program I can get cheap?

    Like, i saw the guide for a $0 budget, but they all seem to be just programs limited to a few sounds or styles. (I haven't checked, mind you)

    Garageband can't be that bad... This:


    was recorded in Garageband.

  2. well, yeah. but it would be common favourites. the songs that get voted the most would appear on the 'album'.

    the japanese band l'arc~en~ciel did this with success. for each country their greatest hits album was to be released in, there was a vote for which songs should appear on it.

    an ocr best-of would give new users in the future a good starting point, like any other best-of album. of course there would be several brilliant gems left out, like on most best-of albums, but it would still give a good idea of what ocr is about, rather than someone new to ocr just clicking random songs and ending up listening to some of the obscure crap from the early days (no offense, i actually like most of that lo-fi stuff, but i get the feeling others don't).

  3. an ocr best-of/greatest-hits album.

    somewhere between 1 and 5 "discs". maybe it could all be torrented, or just a page with links to all the best songs. it could be decided by user a voting system for registered users. it's about time for something like this, considering how well-established ocr and it's musicians are now. what do you think?

  4. it's totally relevant ;p jk

    ok, about the song.

    rezhume's dance does not really make me feel like dancing at all. well, maybe a very slow interpretive dance, but for something like that, it requires more time for the listener to 'sink' into the slower, ambient feeling of the song, in order to actually feel the dance. cutting it off so short is a gip. perhaps some more arrangement and elongating it like 5x would really help one trance out into the subtle mellow vibes of the song. and by arrangement i don't mean adding more instruments, i mean to have the piano doing a little more (or perhaps less) than what it's doing now. it seems your songs all use the same riff. you syncopate the root note with a couple other notes, without even changing the root note to go along with the changing of the chords (not that you have to, but in order to pull off something so simple, it requires a lot of skill and subtlety, not to mention musical magic. you'd think simpler stuff would be easier for amateurs to make, but it's really the opposite. do you listen to erik satie at all? i think he is the master of classical subtlety in all it's epic greatness). also i think it would sound better if it were somewhat more quantized (not necessarily 100% quantized, but to be more in 'rhythm', if you could even say these pieces have rhythm).

    keep working on it, and surely you will make something really sweet soon enough.

    also, an album is generally about 8 or more songs. anything less is considered an EP or a single.

  5. this is pretty sweet. it sounds like the instruments aren't all playing in the same key, but then again neither does 'only a northern song'. i can't find anything wrong with it, but it leaves a little to be desired, perhaps some sort of structure, as it's already quite all over the place.

  6. I just discovered that it will always open in a slicer when I open the speech in a new channel. If I open up a sampler, then open the speech into that existing channel, it remains a simple sampler and there is no delay. So I suppose if I want to slice the speech up I will need to use a slicer, but I can set it to 2 beats or less and then slice, seeing as how since I am slicing the overall playback rate of the speech won't be affected.

    Thanks people, problem solved. It just seems weird that one should have to go to such great lengths to get it to sound normal/default. Oh well, FL isn't the greatest program (and yet, what is?).

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