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Demitri Omni

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Posts posted by Demitri Omni

  1. What do you mean?

    Well, they're much more suited for defensive jobs like Monk and Paladin and Warrior. I have yet to try a mage, though I'm probably going to level everything to 20 on my Galka before I move something to 30 and work on the advanced jobs. I just decided to create him just to screw around with. Nearly finished the chocobo license quest for him.

  2. Puppet Master(FFXI version of necromancer... well that's what the director said in an interview anyway), Corsair(YAR! I'm Guybrush Threepwood, mighty pirate! Functions kind of like a gambler from what I can tell), and Blue Mage(how they balanced this out to work with the game is beyond me, but I've always wanted to see it done, so yay!).

    I'm not too partial about these, well, maybe Blue Mage, though. I wanna go for either monk, thief, or ninja.

    The new jobs aren't really any more soloable than the others, but they've added a lot of things that make it easier to solo overall. A recent update adds an effect to Signet (and Sanction, the Aht Urghan equivalent) that makes it so you don't lose TP while resting as long as it's active. Red Mage is VERY soloable, especially with the right subjob, Ninja is relatively soloable if you know what you're doing, Dragoon is fairly soloable, with a few drawbacks, Beastmaster was practically MADE to solo with, Puppetmaster is indeed very easy to solo, but can and will become very expensive, and Blue Mage is very soloable early on, but gets very difficult to solo mid-levels (around 25-40ish) until you get the ability to self-skillchain/magic burst.

  3. Edit: Someone PLEASE make some remixes for this game that can pass the judging community ^_~

    Batallia Downs me love you long time

    But yeah, if anyone wants to create a character on Hades, I created a relatively new Galka Monk (level 10) and I would be willing to powerlevel anyone up to 10 to party with him, or higher if someone joins late or something. I don't care what nation you choose, but I prefer Bastok or Windurst, so yeah.

  4. Well, if anyone feels like playing again, play Hades. I'd be willing to powerlevel anyone up to and possibly past 10. And if I don't, I'll party with you.

    Oh, also, they added a table game to the game resembling the Corsair's Roll. Basically you bet whatever the table amount is, then roll dice till you either hit 11 (maximum), or bust at 12+.

  5. One of the major issues people had with Final Fantasy XI was fixed the other day, making it possible for new players to select the World (server) they wish to create a character on. Though some argue this should have been done to begin with, the main focus of 'assigning' people servers was for population control. They've implemented new servers and server software, and have since decided to allow people to create characters on whatever server they choose.

    One of the major whines about the game from people.... fixed.

    Now someone play the damn game with me.

  6. Eh, I've played WoW for a short time and it didn't keep my attention as long as XI. Perhaps it's just the Square fanboy in me, but I just didn't enjoy WoW's atmosphere at all. Plus I like the experience loss a whole lot better than whatever the hell it was that the WoW death thing was called. Actually gives you a pretty good incentive NOT to die, and NOT to party with a bunch of idiots.

    And I don't know what you're talking about, the PvP is pretty boss. I've watched several Ballista matches from my chocobo and they look pretty hardcore. Plus the inclusion of Besieged with the Treasures of Aht Urghan expansion. And an entirely new mode that came out recently that I haven't read an awful lot about.

    EDIT: also people who have multiple characters for muling suck

  7. I play on Hades, and yes, there was a 360 release, and supposedly it greatly added to the graphics. Yes, you can breed chocobos, mine is about to be ready to be ridden.

    And I'd list my levels but I hop about so much it wouldn't be worth the trouble. I might take a screen later. If anyone wants to play (on the server I'm on), I could probably foot the bill for a world pass (probably).

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