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Everything posted by Lsnake

  1. This is nothing but short of incredible. The piano is just beautiful, it sounds as it would come from one of Uematsu`s piano works itself. It takes the main theme of FF7 on a highly relaxed, yet dramatic, sad and calm style. You just feel right at home, it flows so naturally, its just right! I dont know how to describe it, but if I didnt know this were a remix, I`d guessed it was original. Its that good. Its only piano, thats it, but thats what makes it so lovely. Top class, excellent done by kLuTz who has earned my highest recommandation.
  2. Ahh man this is simply great. Its catchy, its heavy and it is damn cool. The Guitars are DEAD on, even up to a point where this songs becomes so catchy that is funny! I cant keep a serious face when listening to this, it just makes me more happy. Wonderful work here, even though it may not be the most technical remix ever, it is certainly one of the coolest!
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