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Crescent Shadow

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Posts posted by Crescent Shadow

  1. I don't know, I played that game as a teenager and the whole Celes-attempts-suicide things didn't really floor me with sadness. I may have been young but I had a feeling that the game wouldn't kill off one of its main characters.

    Galuf and Aeris say Hi. Sure it ain't suicide... but it's death all the same. Hell I've even seen an argument that Aeris -did- commit suicide in a roundabout way... but thats another discussion.

    Besides...This is for a girl who cant even read yet. -any- final fantasy game is pretty much out of the question.

    I like the idea that this dad wants to give his daughter the idea that she can be a hero... but this seems like alot of work over nothing. In a couple of years, she'll be able to read, and there are plenty of competent and compelling female leads to choose from there.

  2. What does everyone think about the ability to essentially "watch" the game by stringing all the cutscenes together? Has any other game done this?

    I think that's a really cool concept. There are some inherent problems such as game length vs. reasonable movie time, but I think that its a cool idea. For instance, you could have someone who would never sit down and play the game still enjoy it by having them watch it after you are done.

    The Xenosaga games did this to quite an extent. I actually own a dvd of purely Xenosaga 1 cutscenes and the darn thing plays like a movie.

  3. Ok... whilst I sit here and try to figure out exactly -how- to respond to CHIPP's guitar axe to the face track...

    I'd just like to thanks to Nathan Rich for finally giving me a remix of my favorite Xenogears track. I always thought Grahf's theme deserved some love. And this one delivers... albeit in a way i didn't expect.

    And lastly... gotta comment on 'Welcome to the Human Race'. I was a big fan of '31 seconds.' And, honestly, I think this one deserves a spot up there right next to it.

    Awesome work all around guys.

  4. Then the actual meat of the song kicked in, and i will admit I was thoroughly impressed. If they ever do a remake of FF7, (and I'm sure they will when they need money), and they don't use the Advent Children version of OWA as the final theme, then this should be the one.

    I've heard -alot- of attempted remixs of OWA... and frankly they all fell short. I've heard alot of ochestral versions of OWA and they all fell short. The only versions I've ever heard that I liked were the ones off the original OST and the Advent Children vers.

    So here I am downloading the album and at the end i see an OWA mix...and then the pessimism kicks in... I slap my forehead and go 'Oh man...'

    Then I start listening to it... the chiptune (which is now my ringtone w00t!) kinda threw me off... but it grew on me. When the mainstay of the song kicks in... i realized how wrong i was about this song...

    This is... hands down... the only remix of OWA that was not only decent... but absolutely rocked! Leave it to OCR to pull together to make the impossible possible by making a good OWA remix!

  5. I have to admit... I was a bit iffy going into this song...Jazz is one of those genre's that, while I don't exactly dislike it... there just hasn't been anything I've heard that I liked either.

    Not to mention that Tifa's theme is my favorite song off the original ost... sitting right beside OWA. So I went into this song pretty much expecting not to like it...But i was really surprised... not only did I like, but it didn't mess with that plesant feeling that the original music evoked...

    So heres props to DjP and Vigilante...you made someone with no interest in Jazz seriously enjoy a Jazz piece.

  6. I don't see how anyone can say they disliked this project.. i mean the sheer variety of music alone is incredible.

    Anyways, this happens to be my MOST favorite project yet, beating out Hedgehog Heaven handily.

    Now to place the blame ^_^; I was reading up on the write-up for Jovette's Crossroads piece when DjP mentioned making an AMV outta it. I haven't made one in a while...So off I went ^_^; Excuse the sorry excuse for self-advertisment ^_^


    HQ version: http://www.animemusicvideos.org/members/members_videoinfo.php?v=150725

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