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Solid Krono

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Posts posted by Solid Krono

  1. This was a nice remix to listen to. :) I agree with all of the criticism that has already been stated. But the only thing I have to say is that it sounded kinda like Radiohead for a second there towards the end hehe.


    I think you mean Head Radio. From GTA? But you're right, it does! :)

    Anyway, I love the song, and even though I wouldn't say it's the best ever, I'd have to say it's very good. There aren't many Vocal songs that I like hear on OCR (of course there aren't that many, are there?), but this is one that I like. Nice job! I await your next Remix :D

  2. Here's the reason it's so "good". He took a great song (by some people) and added some of his own stuff to it. Yes the middle section is all his, but the rest is the Can't Say Goodbye To Yesterday (MGS 2) song. Instead of looking at the Blue Prints of the building and useing it as reference, he just simply built around the building, therefore having this "magnificent" song where like half of it is the exact original. That's how I see it anyway.

    And yes I know that's what remixing can be, but I don't like how it's getting so much praise for something it didn't really do.

  3. OK, I never write reviews like this, but—

    What the hell? Ok people, the songs good, but not THAT good. I mean, there really isn't anything amazing about it. Maybe I'm just being biased because I'd already heard the song and didn't like it, but come on. The singing clips, they don't blend together. I don't know if the remixer did that purposely or not, but it doesn't sound good that way. And as far as the best remix on the site? No way. I'm not even keeping it. But everone to their own I suppose...

    EDIT: BUT I do like it more then the original anyway, so good job.

  4. Here's one that I guess count's as a boss... ya, well, anyway, here it is.

    The boss of the game in Diddy Kong racing. God, that pig guy is impossible! I never could beat him, but the worst thing is that I heard that after you beat him, you have to race him again or something and he's even harder!

  5. I have one thing to say for this song: Awesome! :D

    I don't know why I like this song so—wait a minute, yes I do! It's because it's freakin AWESOME!

    And yes, I know no one likes the 'fade out' ending, but come on, if there's any song that it works for, it's this one! DOWNLOAD NOW!!!

    EDIT Oh by the way, I REALLY like the dreamy feel it has. I hope all of your songs turn out this good Andywho312. GREAT JOB!!!!!!!!! :mrgreen:

  6. Hmm, a pretty good first submission. What I like about this song is how the guitar fits so well, or at least I think so. It seems to fit the song to me. As I submit this review I am listening to the song now, and another thing I like about is how, again, it flows very smoothly considering that normally the guitar would seriously clash with the flute, but here, I don’t know, it just feels right some how. It may not be right for you, but I definitely say give it a try, and congrats to Marc Star for a good first submission. Keep it up! :)

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