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Everything posted by mothsplutonian

  1. It's completely experimental and generic sounding I suppose but it was fun to make lol
  2. there's a degree of frustration with creating tracks with a smartphone. anyway makus hideout Hideout Maku.mp3
  3. somewhat hype-esque I kind of want it to sound more & more deranged as the track builds up. Like things are falling apart I made add more wild synths I think it sounds better if you boost the trble
  4. Here's a vid I'm still trying to master/mix it's also net very long either
  5. I've always loved the original: here's the mix: https://www.dropbox.com/scl/fi/bcqzym3sodbsllxuhhdl1/naryu-104.mp3?rlkey=ysgq7qs9hmx8fuq0f5eqo5bxr&dl=0
  6. Definitely a work - in - progress Ghirahim is one of my all-time favorite villains and the theme song is really neat composition/arrangement wise. So I wanted to make a guitar mix. https://www.dropbox.com/scl/fi/n2ldek5wuso9g3m2z6dtu/ghirhiham.mp3?rlkey=pexz84lnaxvgtkqfuj3aof7kn&dl=0
  7. Here's an original song. It's almost done. https://www.dropbox.com/scl/fi/ydi03xw6z3x4stgnxt08q/atmosmoth.mp4?rlkey=71mczzzbi86ipqwooljh0acrk&dl=0 I'm kind of using it to tell a "strange" megaman story. https://www.dropbox.com/scl/fi/tiyfx4tpkeht8qzq5tik9/atmosmoth-mega8?rlkey=9mfxvoublcq7oulwlew8vqpgo&dl=0
  8. https://www.dropbox.com/scl/fi/fyt3jj5936lnzjwruazkk/sa2-biolizard-mix.mp3?rlkey=dws3rjrxht5zxha84dguvw3ch&dl=0 so this has many mixing issues, I'm just mostly messing around with fl studio mobile. Trying to understand its limitations by trying mix some of my favorite game tracks. I hope I can afford a good laptop soon.: ) Here's a video I made that accompanies the mix https://www.dropbox.com/scl/fi/f94vdgcogwv0fv4u8kh1d/New-Movie-513-Oct-27-2023-8.19.15-PM.mp4?rlkey=bo2f7gxdk6nn07s9eoshjdcjp&dl=0
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