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Blitz Senshi

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Posts posted by Blitz Senshi

  1. I beat the ROM of Rockman and Forte ages ago with both characters (I believe), and I didn't find anything about that game very challenging...

    But it's kind of irritating: Bass is better than Megaman in almost every espect in that game. Sure, he may not have a charge shot and can't shoot while he runs, but he has rapid-fire...and the dash...There was no balance between characters.

    Oh, and Culex isn't from any Final Fantasy game. (I was wrong. So sue me.) In fact, Culex's opening speech was supposed to openly mock the FF series' drama and such.

    (And they deserve to be mocked, especially by Nintendo...Putting "Here lies Link" on the tombstone in the Japanese FF1...Bastards...)

  2. SMRPG: Culex. AND HE IS NOT AN FF GUY, DAMMIT! Square just used the music for shits and giggles.

    Nope. From what I remember, Culex is either from the hard Japanese version of FFIV or from either the true FFII or III that were never released in the States. And he's not really hard if you use Geno's best magic and a whole bunch of Rock Candies. But either way, he was a damn cool boss.

    "I am matter...I am antimatter...I consume time...and I will consume you!!!"

    Another easy boss: the Dodongo from the original Legend of Zelda. I mean, good God! All you have to do is drop a couple bombs in his path and he's dead!!!

  3. Actually, you could access the entire castle, or at least the huge parts of it as Richter, instad of bat transformation, he could do that super jump infinitly, like Alucard. Unless of course there is something I'm missing.

    It's definatly possible to get to the end though, I know because I've seen my friend do it, and although not worth the effort, it's possible.

    Richter also has a maneuver to get him through spikes unharmed.

    And another easy boss...Shaft. With Alucard or Richter. With Alucard, you can just shred his ass with the Crissaegrim. With Richter, just Holy Rain him a few times and he's done-for.

  4. The Executioner in Skies of Arcadia was a huge pain in the ass before I learned how effective Tackle was against him.

    And there's Nightmare from Metroid Fusion...It's easy for about the first half of the fight, but then it starts to move around...and it does a HELLUVA lot of damage when it collides with you.

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