I played the Power Blade games over and over again in my childhood and what has remained for me, besides the great gameplay, is the music from Stage 01.
I associate this stage music with many beautiful and carefree days in my childhood.
I don't want to win a Grammy with my music, I just want it to be a balance to my current everyday life.
I hope you enjoy this piece❤.
Power Blade - Stage 01 [Majin Remix]
For me, Ninja Gaiden is one of the best video game series that ever existed.
In this piece, I took on "The Masked Devil" and interpreted it in a modern style.
I don't think any other piece of music from Ninja Gaiden has touched us all as much as the moment when "The Masked Devil" sounds.
I hope you enjoy this piece❤.
Ninja Gaiden - The Masked Devil [Majin Remix]