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    Port Townsend, Washington
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Newbie (1/14)

  1. Heh. That made me laugh. Anyway, I love this mix. It's cool, refreshing, and always manages to inspire me. Listening to it makes me want to make beautiful music too. It's totally worth listening to.
  2. Thanks guys. I think I get the picture. I realize, though, that I have my work cut out for me, and I think I would do better to get to it sooner, rather than later. I've got a lot to learn!
  3. Hello everyone, I'm sure this has been asked before, in some form or another, but I need an answer from someone who knows what they're doing, before I go crazy. You see, I'm trying to teach myself how to read sheet music, play piano, and understand music theory. Progress is slow. I've been wondering, those of you who know how to read sheet music (and can play from it), how did you learn? What method would you recommend? I feel like the more and more I work on it, the more and more I'm missing something. Is it just countless hours of practice? Is it just mind-numbing repetition? While I'm at it, does knowing theory even help with making music? If you study intervals until you can name them, does that help? I would venture a guess that being able to recognize an interval by its sound alone would make it terribly simple to play what one hears. Is that right? Should I just memorize them? Thanks! I am open to trying just about anything. The problem with working on my own is that I always get the feeling that I'm not doing it efficiently enough.
  4. Thank you so much! I will definitely try all of that. I take it that the piano is the preferred method of doing arrangements? I can imagine why. I'll get my hands on some stuff right away. Thanks again.
  5. Hi, everyone! I'm new to remixing, and any sort of arranging, and I need several sorts of answers, from the experienced. First, computers: What is the most powerful/most encompasing program for doing arrangements? I'm pretty sure it's either Cakewalk or Cubase, but I'm foolishly going by price. Then music: What has been the most helpful thing in your live/career as far as learning musical skills and such? I find myself still as tonedeaf as your average joe when it comes to songs, which is sad, because I love music so much, and I would hate myself if I never learned how to create. So far, I play guitar, and I know chords and notes, and I'm learning scales, but I don't know how much of my guitar mastery will translate into universal music skills. Also, I've obtained copies of The Perfect Pitch Supercourse and The Relative Pitch Supercourse. How relevant do you think these would be? In any case, aside from the software-oriented question, I really need to know where I should be looking to get a hand on all of this stuff. I really want to create music, but I'm so far off it's almost frightening. Thank you so much for your time!
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