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phase cactus

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Posts posted by phase cactus

  1. The problem is that CF is pretty rare, and servers for it are costly. PHP, however, can do similar things whilst remaining cheap/free to put online. For this reason, I'll probably have to convert the site from CF to PHP, a process that will take a while considering I don't actually know any PHP code yet.

    So yeah, that's where I'm at...



    If you want, get in contact with me, I've a light bit of experience with php and persistent databases (MySQL).

    If you can explain to me what your current site does I can figure out which parts of it I know how to emulate and which I can go about learning.

    No, I'm not a code-in-my-sleep PHP mastah, but some willingness and knowledge are better than nothing, perhaps? I'm just operating on the assumption you'd like some help.

    <3 - phase cactus

  2. One thing... If its in the planning to put up a donation button / banners or similar on the site, i think we all (artists) want a very clear guideline to how that $$ is being used before we agree that its appropriate/approved..

    That is ridonkulous. No money can be involved or copy rights explode in the project's face.

    One single commercial advertisement or donation button and Sega will be on your asses like Michael Moore on a cheeseburger.

  3. Tell me what you think. Should I keep refining this version, or should I expand upon the old original?

    completely-unprovoked-drop-in-boy-and-long-time-lurker says: Yes. By far. Stick with the new one. Much as the old one just grabbed me, the new one grabbed me and slathered us both in super glue. Worlds better than already good. Keep it up.

    Oh, and Rexyyyy! I would kill someone if it would get me a link to your Angel Island WIP. I miss it. I listened to it a million times and forgot to move it out of the temporary folder. Now it's deleted and the old link's dead. :\

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