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Posts posted by RocketSniper

  1. Percussion could use a little work - seems a little repetitive, and not enough kicks for a metal song like this. I like the guitar work a LOT though.

    Might want to check this beat...





    K = kick

    S = snare

    H = hat

    Of course, vary it up, but for this tempo, having something other than straight kicks / hats every beat then a snare every other beat is kinda meh.

    Didn't notice anything about a weird buzzing sound, the rest sounds great to me. Did I mention the guitar work is fantastic?

  2. ^The Derrit

    -Becoming aware of your dreams is called Lucid dreaming, there are actually ways to induce this, though it takes a while to really get into doing it. easiest way for me is to set my alarm about half an hour earlier than normal, and having it go off in 3-5 minute intervals so I remember what's going on in said dreams. Really sucks when the alarm goes back off, though...

  3. My record was just over 70 hours, I was playing runescape at the time (Oh shut up, I was ten. I had no taste then.), and was pretty much hungry all the time the last two days. I don't think I was hallucinating or anything by the end, but I slept for ~16 hours when I came out of it. This was, of course, *after* taking the jet from Ohio to Oregon. *faceplant*.

    Jet lag + no sleep = insane people, usually.

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