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Silly Breadmania

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Everything posted by Silly Breadmania

  1. Thanks for listening, guys! I'll definitely work on getting a better guitar tone. I think I see what you mean by the poppy snare. Definitely lower compression on the bass drum, too. I'll see what I can come up with in the next few days. I appreciate all the feedback!
  2. Sure thing man. Live and learn.

  3. Hey guys, So, last time I came on here, I made a huge mess yelling at judges and blah blah blah. This time I'm going to take the workshop approach before I submit anything in as to avoid any more conflicts and disagreements with the nice people of OCremix. Here's my soundcloud. Hell March is the first one posted. www.soundcloud.com/brian-butts Thanks.
  4. I just sent you guys my Shadow Theme arrangement. WEEEEE!!!!!
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