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Everything posted by HorrorgasM

  1. well super missiles obviously...not the regular ones. it would take like an hour if you used regular ones
  2. I dont know why everyone has such a hard time with omega pirate. it took me a few tries the first time I fought him, but once you figure out how to hurt him its pretty easy. hes not that much harder on hard mode either. just make sure you have a lot of missiles and youre fine.
  3. final boss of robocop vs terminator for genesis its just this big terminator head that you have to jump around shooting for like a half hour while it shoots at you and terminators keep popping up and attacking you final boss of shinobi for ps2 holy shit what a cheap bastard, the only way to hurt him is to kill those little guys that pop up and charge your sword then hit him so you have to do that perfectly several times then hope that he doesnt block you and make you do it all over again last 2 levels of firestarter for pc I've never fought a cheaper bunch of bosses ever in my life. in the 2nd to last level you have to go through the whole level then kill the boss who does you constant damage just by looking at you. you cant save so if you die you have to do the whole level over and once youre in the room with it you cant leave and theres only a few health things which dont seem to respawn and arent enough to help much. I'm not even going to get into the level after that.
  4. Silent Hill = great at the time Silent Hill 2 = one of the best horror games ever! awesome story, awesome atmosphere, and while its a pain to actually get the dog ending, go get it its hilarious! Silent Hill 3 = kind of cool that it continued the plot of SH1, but overall nothing new or that exciting Silent Hill 4 = looks like its gonna be really cool, go check out the trailer NOW!
  5. oh yeah...that mountain seymour was a bastard
  6. the last guy in robocop vs terminator for genesis...I think it was the genesis one...where you fight this floating terminator head and just have to avoid blasts and terminators while shooting the head over and over again for about a half hour literally before it dies. oh and ff7 ruby weapon? use hades...stuns him
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