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Posts posted by irriadin

  1. I paid $450 for Adobe Production Premium Student edition (which gets you Photoshop, Premiere, After Effects, Illustrator, and others). That's normally $2000, I think. For motion design, there's really no substitute for what you can get in After Effects for the price. The camera and motion available to you are leagues better than what you get in Vegas. Vegas IS great for standard non-linear editing, but once you start using After Effects extensively, Premiere starts becoming more and more the better option.

    Plus, the preview accelerator in Premiere is absolutely phenomenal when you pair it up with a video card with a lot of CUDA cores. I have a GTX 680 and my premiere previews are super smooth and incredibly quick.

  2. I'm reworking the underlying database for storing emulators, so right now is a bad time to add a lot of stuff since the relationships/structure are in flux.

    In other news... I added some wording to the two areas Linearity pointed out as being problematic.

    I also:

    • extended the minimized headers to the homepage
    • rewrote the homepage statement (more generic, perhaps, but I prefer it)
    • added the same icons used in our drop-down menus to the new headers
    • mucked about with the site's CSS a bit in ways you probably don't care about
    • added system icons to composer profile pages (shiny!)
    • remembered to breath

    The new headers are nice. It's interesting how the CSS for the site is almost entirely classes. Has it always been that way?

  3. you've got almost the exact same thing i have except i have soren linked to shinon and boyd linked to ike. Nephenee and Gatrie are a devestating combo, especially when Neph has Imbue. I also gave it to her due to her high magic as a fighter. My Gatrie is also one of my fastest people and can even double Swordmasters. i don't mind the last part where you can only bring a few choice people in because theres a core group of people i like to use anyways. I barely ever bring the herons in, it scares me to do it cause they're so weak.

    If I can help it, I never bring the herons. They're a huge target for all kinds of enemies. They also are incredibly weak and fragile.

  4. While we're at it, can you critique mine? Link in my sig. :D

    Took a look at it. Very nice site. Simple, but very polished. The only suggestion I'd give is to consider changing the "wrap" to be a specific width, then setting the margin to 0pt auto. Something like this:

    body {
    margin: 0pt auto;
    #wrap {
    margin: 0pt auto;
    /*for the width, I'd suggest between 900-1024px*/
    width: 910px;

  5. Credentials: Web Developer for about 2 years.

    Here's my honest opinion:

    Your site is pretty good, but aesthetically it leaves something to be desired. Mainly, the bars that break to the left or right of the main container make the site feel cluttered and slightly disconcerting. I also wouldn't have used a table in the layout for the site. I see div tags in your code... why not use a pure css layout?

    Overall, not too bad, but if you're advertising your abilities as a web designer, I would definitely try to avoid using inline styling for your css.

  6. I've never been able to get into the Fire Emblem series for some reason. Like most non-Japanese Nintendo fans, Smash Brothers Melee was my first exposure to the series. Bought FE for GBA, played it a bit, then lost interest. The strategy formula didn't really sink to my head as much as Final Fantasy Tactics. And being the fanboy that I am, I always compare any turn-based stratagy game to FF Tactics. :P

    Anyway, I've been hearing that Radiant Dawn doesn't really show that it's a Wii game. I'm wondering if this bothers anyone. Personally, it's fine with me. Unfortunately, I've not played the GC one yet so this will have to wait. :(

    This doesn't bother me. I play it with a GC controller, even.

  7. This game is entirely underrated. It has a very involving storyline with memorable characters, and the gameplay is incredibly satisfying. While it can be incredibly frustrating at times, the unforgiving game design (in terms of the characters deaths being permanent) really makes you think about the moves you make every turn. Each character has his or her own story, and that makes the death system even harder.

    I'm currently on the third part of the last mission, and I have to say, this is probably the best Fire Emblem I've played (those include all FE's released in the US).

    As far as support combinations and team-building goes, I've found that Shinon and Mia make an excellent duo. Give Mia the skill Adept when she reaches her third class, and she'll be nearly unstoppable. As a general rule of thumb, don't bother using any of the laguz apart from the royal ones... even ones like Ranulf can't measure up to the likes of Tibarn or the wolf queen. Gatrie and Nephenee also are a good duo, particularly if you give Gatrie the skill "Taunt" which causes enemies to target him in preference to other units. Anyway, here's my core team, separated by support pairs:

    1-2 Ike and Soren - I had to give my Soren a few speedwings to allow him to double most enemies. Once he gets to that point, he's very powerful. Just make sure he has Shade equipped. Ike is probably the most powerful unit I have... his only weakness is his low resistance.

    3-4 Gatrie and Nephenee - I gave Nephenee the skill "Imbue" which allows her to "tank" enemies very well, since her magic is about 13. Imbue recovers that amount after every turn.

    5-6 Mia and Shinon

    7-8 Titiana and Oscar - These two are FANTASTIC when paired together. They have incredibly high evasion, allowing them to effectively handle tons of enemies and recover themselves using the special skill Sol. Oscar is slightly more fragile than Titiana, so using Imbue or Pavise might compensate for that.

    9. The Wolf Queen - Let me put it this way... she is ridiculously good. She is INSANELY fast and her evasion is on par with Mia's.

    10. Beast King

    11. Tibarn - I love Tibarn. Just be careful around archers.

    I also really liked Empress Sanaki, if only her HP was higher... Equip Shade on her or you'll regret it.

  8. In a few years you will. IMO, supporting stuff like DRM & high hardware costs does not justify that.

    Although I have to say, I'm incredibly tempted to buy a bunch of parts for a desktop I configured for $1200 from Newegg earlier today, including stuff like a 22" LCD monitor & a 750 GB hard drive, that should run most games just fine...at least for a few years.

    Well, I don't find DRM to be as much of an issue for games as it is for movies and other forms of entertainment. I've never had an issue related to DRM in games. Also, the thought of refusing to buy new hardware simply because it's too expensive is somewhat ridiculous. They do sell mid-range and budget cards, you know. Not everyone has to buy an 8800GTX to play PC games.

  9. I'm primarily a PC gamer, and while I can understand why people are frustrated with the hassles involved with PC gaming (i.e. beta drivers for game releases? Beta drivers for a game demo to run properly?!) the benefits outweigh the issues. While the strength of your rig determines your enjoyability somewhat, if you can learn to tolerate lower fps, you can make do with very affordable hardware.

    Anyhow, I was able to run Crysis on a mix of high / very high with fps between 18-24 all the way until one part at the end, where I had to turn the graphics down to Medium. This is why I enjoy PC gaming... you can't get this on a console:

    Crysis Pic 1

    Crysis Pic 2

    Crysis Pic 3

  10. Tim Buckley has an interesting take on this.

    I myself shared some of his sentiments about the matter, but however you look at it, Gamespot handled the matter badly. If he was fired for something as juvenile as stealing office supplies, why the lie about the "tone" of his review? Why did Gamespot deliberately wait until the glut of holiday games were reviewed and accounted for? Most importantly, why did they fire Gerstmann on the spot, with no warning?

    The last in particular is a pretty callous move on Gamespot's part, and they should be held accountable for their lack of strategic thinking. This, of course, assumes that Gerstmann was fired for a legitimate reason.

  11. I never really thought too hard about it, but this makes sense to me. Thinking about all of the different bands with symphonic elements, I notice that there is a lot of diversity between them. For instance, Estatic Fear, Skyfire (Mind Revolution in particular) and Nightwish have a lot of notable differences between them, yet all of them have enough symphonic elements to warrant the "symphonic metal" label.

    However, none of those bands are strait up "symphonic metal," as they are all part something else as well (doom, black, goth, power, what have you) and I can't really think of any band that is entirely "symphonic metal" and not "symphonic power metal" or "symphonic doom metal" or what have you. I think that "symphonic" is better off being a term that indicates a bands usage of symphonic elements to go along with whatever genre of metal they are playing, rather than being a genre in and of itself.

    that's an element of using symphonic metal as a subgenre distinction, but there are a few bands that I'd classify as Symphonic Metal and not Gothic Metal. Within Temptation, namely. While I'm loathe to quote wikipedia, I actually believe the information is fairly accurate. And is there an authority that classifies musical genres? Doubtful.

    A softer genre known as symphonic metal had evolved in the mid- to late- 1990s from gothic metal bearing strong similarities to its predecessor, with bands led by female singers including Within Temptation, Nightwish, and Epica. During this time the divide between gothic metal and the new-born symphonic metal became apparent; symphonic metal maintained a lighter approach, with more operatic and classical themes that often showed power metal influence, while gothic metal incorporated more aggressive elements of death metal and black metal directly into the music.
  12. I agree, classification is mainly just for the purpose of identifying the main styles played, and have little to no bearing on how good the music they make is. Wikipedia is one of the worst offenders at poor genre classification though - just reading their article on alternative rock should quickly convince anyone of how poorly written they are.

    Have to agree with you there. Wikipedia can be quite amusing at times.

    Another party contributing to the genre-confusion are the bands themselves. For the most part, many bands out there consider themselves the first in a new genre; Machinae Supremacy, for example, classifies their music as "SID-Metal." But in reality, their music is a power metal hybrid along with the occasional nod to goa / psy trance elements.

  13. No, there is no such thing as symphonic metal - symphonic is a particular classification within subgenres, but it isn't a subgenre in itself. Gothic metal refers to the gothic sound that these bands try to recreate. For an example of a band that isn't symphonic but that most certainly fits the gothic metal genre, one is Paradise Lost, or if I remember right, Moonsorrow.

    Moonsorrow is technically classified as viking metal, but has deep roots in folk metal and pagan metal as well. Not goth metal at all.

    And I disagree about symphonic metal being solely a classification within subgenres; while it definitely is a classification as you said, it is also a genre of metal in its own right.

  14. I admit that I have a bias towards it, and even know why. I've been on the job site several times when some crazy kid covered in tattoos comes along and cranks is radio up as loud as it can go playing metal. People shrilling and screaming as hard as they can for hours coupled with pernicious guitar lines. Then they walk around the job holding their eyes really wide open like they've been doing ecstasy.

    It was awful, and it isn't music. It was sonic know doubt, but it certainly isn't music. It felt like someone was splitting my head open. I've never heard any metal that I liked. Maybe metal makes people too open minded, almost like; so open someone reached in and snatched part of their brain.

    Not all metal is like that. What you're describing sounds like hardcore or death metal.

    This is considered metal - http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=xAKf1gTx7qM

    and this as well - http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=CGszdHVb2UY *

    * extremely cheesy video but it makes me smile :)

  15. Lacuna Coil is far from symphonic - they're a goth metal band, although from what I hear, their last album is terrible and moved away from metal & showed that they didn't really care about their music anymore.

    Um. Goth metal is really a misnomer, as it's so similar to symphonic metal there is practically no difference. And their new album, while not as good as Comalies, is still very good. I knew I shouldn't have tried to classify the genres on each of my suggestions...

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