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Posts posted by maplejet

  1. That's it. Everyone but Proticity should be banned from remixing DKC2 themes...no.no, I'm kidding.

    But the truth is, his remixes are so great, they are almost tough to beat. This one being one of them. Just a relaxing and laid-back remix, probably my favorite now. The forest theme is one of my favorite themes in DKC2 (but Bramble and swamp themes beat it!).

    Now, I'm just waiting for a Kannon's Klaim remix!!!

  2. If I was to play this song to some one who did not know FF4, they would not even realize it is from a video game. It is easily comparable to some of the other male rock vocal songs out there.

    This has got to be one of the best remixes here...the guitars, the lyrics. Only problem is the singing (its kind of iffy at some places), but overall, this remix rocks!!

  3. That....was amazing. Just as it was said before. This is what OCRemix is about. It is just not whether the remix is a masterpiece...sometimes it doesn't need to be. It just had got to be unique and have something that stands out. In this case, its the rap.

    I can see why the judges agreed easily that this remix should be posted here. It's 'da bomb (yet I never played the game, prolly most of the users here have never have played or even heard of it). Will I burn this song with some 50 Cents or OutKast...prolly not!!

  4. YES! Its been a while since FF6 has had a remix! And this time, its Figaro Style. I like the use of brass and how he did the piece.

    First, it was classical sounding. Around 1:45, the drums kick in for a jazzy style. Later, the organs come rolling in providing a classic rock style that just rocks. Another great remix from JigginJonT that uses great instrumentation.

  5. I could just burn this onto a cd full of classical music by some you know Beethoven, Mozart, those stuff, and people would just think it was just another classical musical composition...hahaha, its from a video game!

    A great theme, taking one of the sad tunes from SMRPG, and turning it into Beethoven-like music...seriously...just listen...it is da bomb!!!!!!!!

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