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Ultimo Hedgehog

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Posts posted by Ultimo Hedgehog

  1. Mario Paint! (Ba-ding!) Ooooooooooh! Yes, I love this remix. Doesn't sound like much, maybe a chilly beat for the icebox, but nothing special... until 00:27. Then it begins taking off with the quick tapping sound, then more techno instruments. It just gets better from there on out, including the chanting entrance to the... game. Anyway, nice one. Made it to my CD at least!

  2. Whoo! Gotta say, I loved the music for this game! Probably the best before the Dreamcast and stuff came out. Anyway, it goes along the lines of the original, but a good change in instruments. It was the one I forgot to rip from the game file I had, and I'm glad I found this and put it on the same CD! One of the best, except for the classic Sega ending mix that was in there. Love it.

  3. Now, if Sega would have done Time Traveling in Sonic 1, this woulda definitely fit in it, my guess as kind of a "Bad Future" type thing? I first thought it kind of went with something to do with Eggman. Anyway, I can't describe most stuff, except for the kickin' beat that just pulls you into the groove. That, and around 02:33 I can tell that variations are starting to be used of the original ring sound (Nice! 200-*shot*) So, you will definitely like this, for the most part. I command you to, for I have the almighty pie! ...Well you don't have to look like that!

    Overall: Damn good. Going on my next CD!

    I COULD LISTEN TO THIS FOR HOURS UPON END <----- my quote.. quote me on that..

    I quoted you, so there.

    On a totally different note, I could swear I know Jonodude from somewhere else.

  4. Now... THIS *point, poke*... THIS is a DKC2 Remix! The very first time I heard this, I just about went into shock at how totally great it made the awesome music of this level sound! I used to lay awake nights thinking of the theme from this level, way back when the SNES was a young system, back before 3D graphics were even heard of... I thought nothing could ever do it justice. And then I came across this remix. Even if you hate ambient and slow things, YOU MUST TAKE A LISTEN! This is worth every second, right to the last echo.

    Oh yeah, the Remix itself. Lots of great drum beats, piano galore in EXACTLY the fashion I like it! Even though there's tons of great tracks out in the great OCR, this will ALWAYS remain as one of my all time favorites!

  5. You don't see this every day! Sega's redoing of Panic Puppet Zone Act 1 has been redone yet again! Drum instruments, the beat, underlying elements, it all comes together for one big kick @$$ mix! I also loved the way they used Sonic's theme a bit in there. Now if we can just get mixes of the better levels...

    Darke - Finally, someone who really knows the Sonic history pretty well. I wonder if we'll ever get a S2 Beta mix? Bwahaha.

  6. Only my second Review, and I'm getting directed around. And I'm being pointed in the right direction too! This is a quiet, ambient-type mix, the type of which I love to listen to. The whole piece is based around the piano, which hangs in the fore and background. Once or twice there's a few chimes thrown in, to give it a little sparkle. I've never played the game, but it's seeming more worthwhile.

  7. Well, here's my first mix. I'm glad to say that it's an excellent one! Quite a calm pace and relaxing. I don't usually like singing in a remix, but this one is an exception. The piano, horn/whatever, and strings really get my vote for the best part. The replacement instruments compliment each other to make the mix all around better. If you ask me for an opinion, I say get it.

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