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Special K

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Everything posted by Special K

  1. Ok, I'm near finished with my Megaman X Boomer Kuwanger song. All I need is a very real sounding trumpet that is comparable to the trumpet in Disco Dan's HeatMan Rapid Fire mix. The only requirement is that I ask that it is free and in a soundfont or VST format. Sample format is ok if and only if it is a last resort. Thank you for your help
  2. Yea actually it did help. Thanks a bunch. I had some ideas after I saw that tutorial to add to my Megaman X Boomer Kuwanger song (just finished and am in the process of adding neat effects to it). I would like to post it up in the WIP Forum, however, I do not have a Website to host it on. Guess I'll have to consider starting one of those too. Anyway, thanks again. It solved the problem and thanks for the fast response as well.
  3. I've gone through the whole advanced tutorial on the Peak Controller. However, when I go to implement my own peak controller and assign it to, lets say, the pan controller of the sample I am using, no sound comes out. I remember something about having to add a sample or instrument so the peak controller could audiblize, but, I am still very confused on it. Does anyone have a quick detailed process on how I can fix this problem (it also happens with the Bass Boost effect)? Thanks in advance
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