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Posts posted by Sockatume

  1. *stupid strategy guides... when the answer wasn-T insiiide*

    Curse you, starblast! I've not been able to get this song out of my head. It's just too catchy... like pop at its best, it's simply infectiously enjoyable and unpretentious. Reminds me a bit of that Robo's Theme remix from Chrono Trigger, which I keep forgetting the name of, only with more familiar subject-matter and less clever synth.

  2. I've never heard the original of this, so I don't know what sort of an achievement it is in that respect. But it's utterly unmissable.

    It's one of the few songs I've heard in the past year to actually give me the musical chills. It's utterly incredible. Not as a remix, but as a piece of music. I mean... I don't knkow how to put it into words.

  3. The opening... wow... so clever and inventive... then the main melody kicks in and... what happened?! It starts to dissapear into a mess of dodgy echoes and mistimed wind instruments... great ideas, but could definately do with some polishing. I'm not sure if it's the samples, or the recording and mixing method, or maybe the hardware itself, Case for a remastering if ever there was one...

    But then it gets back into clear inventiveness at the end, and it's damned impressive. C'mon, tidy it up and it'll be a masterpiece!

  4. I'm a little dubious as to the quality of the samples, but it's all very, very pleasing. Worth it for the opening sequence alone, which makes me want to boot up Elite or something, fire up my ship, and go on a pirate-busting rampage.

    Launch clearance! VTOL jets to full! Retract gear! JUMP!

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