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Posts posted by SpikedBladeZero

  1. Hey...you know that feeling when you first went to see your favorite movie and you walked out on awe. Or that time when you bought a CD, you listened to it and you were blown away. I got the same feeling listening to this track.... I have to agree with the others. YOu have to be insane not to download this amazing track.


  2. AF...if you read this, you are another person who has given Mega Man Fans something to cheer about. This track stays true to the NES sound while having more of a dance/rock mix. This answers the question of "If the Metal Man theme were to be re-did today...what would it sound like" Good Job and keep crankin' out these masterpieces. I am thankful that you didn't murder one of my favorite Meag Man tracks of all time.

    10 / 10

  3. One of few tracks I find worthy of being a Mega Man remix. All i can say is that this track is so good, when i'm playing MM3 on my Roms/ I mute out most of the sound just to have this track play during Snake Man's Theme. The only way I feel to tell is just to ask yourself this question "If this track were remixed today, how would it sound" and...i can honestly picture this track. It stays true to the NES theme but gives it a techno makeover. Good job Disco Dan.

    10 / 10

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