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Evil Ryu

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    Bristol, UK
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  1. Im afraid im going to be different, and say that I didnt quite enjoy the intro as much as everyone else. It certainly set the scene, but I was after some music instantly, ya know? I liked the familiar beeps making out the corneria tune at the beginning though. quite delightful! However, I think it just went on for too long. It almost lost me, until the point where the beat comes in. bruaght me well back Its different, and i love it. Love all of the fading of the tune, to create more of an impact at certain points. It works really well. The latter of the track is a good break too. At first I was expecting to hear lots fo weird noises for another minute or so... but thankfully, theres familiar StarFox tunes in there. (not entirely sure where from, but i recognised them) Well doen for recreating the tunes so well. Almost brings a tear to my eyes *sniff* 8.5/10 (0.5 bonus point for recreating them so well!)
  2. This ones great. I personally prefer it to McV's version. The overall Remix is great, however, I think the leading line should of been done with a saxaphone, rather than something synthesised. I like it a lot though. Its not the first kinda thing you'd think of when you see Cammy's stage, so I think its made even better because of this
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