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Profile Information

  • Real Name
    Matt Gutierrez
  • Location
    Albuquerque, New Mexico
  • Occupation
    Call center Tech :(

TheHulk's Achievements


Newbie (1/14)

  1. Only as long as they're provided by Gary Busey. Seriously though, it can never just be fun anymore. It's always wah wah wah. Good to see you though, how are you?
  2. Sweet Jesus, I remembered why we never come back.
  3. why yes, yes it is :D

  4. is that.. is that some suburban commando... i see what you did there

  5. What's goin on man? You can pm it if you want. You helped me, so of course i will listen to you :3

  6. I'll probably be around. Maybe this revival will be more than a few days thing for the rest of them. I kind of need a place to go to anyway, things have been rough

  7. I remember one time you called me when i was like totally feeling super shitty.

    You sir are major

    plz stay around

  8. Its NEVER lupus, get it right!
  9. Yeah, Something like that
  10. Yes, I'm glad you like it. I dont recall where I got it, but it is definitely amazing :P

  11. Wow, that is such an awesome sig you have!

  12. Thats a hell of a long lurking period
  13. You know, here and there. Like I said, I have a terrible habit of disappearing

  14. What the hell does that mean? SMASH!
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