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V. Celestine

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Everything posted by V. Celestine

  1. Any chance you guys can do an 'unofficial' BT for OCRs 1000+? And have it updated every 1st of the month? -or- Is there another way of getting the 1000+'s without clicking on every single one of them? 1000-1500
  2. Click my sig. I don't care about the first link; do check out KFMF though: http://www.kosmic.org/ http://kosmic.darkscape.net/archives/1998/mp3/k_lone.mp3 http://kosmic.darkscape.net/archives/1998/mp3/k_aryx.mp3 http://kosmic.darkscape.net/archives/1998/mp3/k_bvibe.mp3 http://kosmic.darkscape.net/archives/1998/mp3/k_binary.mp3 Yes, old site, old music... This isn't even the best place to mention their latest reincarnation... Four songs above are my most identifiable.
  3. Once I get an award pic made I'm gonna give this work the honor of 'amongst the most listened-to of OC Remixes' (something like that). This reminds me of when I used to bike to my old friend's place up the hill past the neighborhood and school. It was a time when P 133's were out, my friend had a Cyrix and AOL. He downloaded Tyrian off of the user files they had back then. And Tyrian was discovered. Though it was a demo, all the music was there, and I remember hearing this amongst the ST. It was the most played game the two of us had. Great shooter, good music. Don't know how my friend is doing nowdays, hopefully he's found this site by now. Good remix. Brings back memories.
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