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Xerol Oplan

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Everything posted by Xerol Oplan

  1. Yeah the server was packed so I got on the only server that wasn't 1) full, 2) unpatched, or 3) kicking everyone since it couldn't connect to VAC.
  2. I'm helping Dom staff "Jamspace" this year, so I'll probably just be in there all weekend Also, more BBBQs.
  3. Brushfire could you PM me some details about getting the patches made? I'm looking to have some made and want to get a general idea about price.
  4. Yeah sure throw me in for a new patch. I'm getting a new bag soon for my laptop and recording gear (for MAGFest) so I'll be carrying it around a lot.
  5. Can someone on ETG request unblocking of my IP? I rolled a bad one when my DSL cycled, got it removed etc etc, they have to manually remove the block though. This should be all the info they need:
  6. I've got the torrent back up for seeding. Once again, the torrent is here.
  7. Medic is good for starting out because you can follow behind most classes and get a feel for the maps, and how the different classes play. Anyway, I finally got my new box set up, but I have to download TF2 from scratch so I won't be able to try it out until tomorrow, unless copying the Steam folder over works, in which case it'll be about 2 hours anyway because the copy of the Steam folder I have is about 2 months old (the drive Steam is installed on is still being used as the boot drive in the old machine, but I have a backup which is currently a secondary partition on my current boot drive).
  8. Powerlord can you tell me if these filesizes look right? I want to make sure all the maps downloaded all the way before making the torrent. Volume in drive F is Theadore Volume Serial Number is 74D3-AB29 Directory of F:\TF2 Maps 04/10/2009 01:11 AM <DIR> . 04/10/2009 01:11 AM <DIR> .. 04/10/2009 12:31 AM 172,212 achievementbox_b3.bsp.bz2 04/10/2009 12:27 AM 15,878,184 arena_2fort_b2.bsp.bz2 04/10/2009 12:38 AM 13,192,969 arena_harvest_v2.bsp.bz2 04/10/2009 12:24 AM 10,726,541 arena_mach2.bsp.bz2 04/10/2009 12:22 AM 6,440,112 arena_starship_v1.bsp.bz2 04/10/2009 12:40 AM 15,133,987 avanti_b1.bsp.bz2 04/10/2009 12:28 AM 15,395,300 cp_2Skyscraper_b3.bsp.bz2 04/10/2009 12:22 AM 1,721,668 cp_420_water_arena_v3.bsp.bz2 04/10/2009 12:36 AM 21,281,642 cp_aqua.bsp.bz2 04/10/2009 12:43 AM 11,535,790 cp_avante_b2.bsp.bz2 04/10/2009 12:52 AM 20,065,736 cp_blackmesa.bsp.bz2 04/10/2009 12:58 AM 26,110,273 cp_castle4.bsp.bz2 04/10/2009 12:43 AM 3,005,808 cp_concussion.bsp.bz2 04/10/2009 12:50 AM 19,413,976 cp_corporation_b3.bsp.bz2 04/10/2009 01:00 AM 47,115,211 cp_cyberpunk.bsp.bz2 04/10/2009 01:00 AM 12,390,029 cp_dam.bsp.bz2 04/10/2009 01:01 AM 4,407,237 cp_desertfortress.bsp.bz2 04/10/2009 01:01 AM 2,493,426 cp_downtown_b31.bsp.bz2 04/10/2009 01:03 AM 12,306,559 cp_labor.bsp.bz2 04/10/2009 12:25 AM 6,463,726 cp_lazytown.bsp.bz2 04/10/2009 12:27 AM 1,297,995 cp_orange_x3.bsp.bz2 04/10/2009 12:32 AM 8,367,493 cp_shabbytown_final.bsp.bz2 04/10/2009 01:04 AM 5,628,741 cp_smbcastle2.bsp.bz2 04/10/2009 12:35 AM 4,890,789 cp_snowpath_b2.bsp.bz2 04/10/2009 01:04 AM 3,453,360 cp_stronghold_b1.bsp.bz2 04/10/2009 12:48 AM 26,405,993 cp_studio_rc4.bsp.bz2 04/10/2009 01:05 AM 2,505,405 cp_toy_fort_elite.bsp.bz2 04/10/2009 12:51 AM 4,636,213 cp_warpath.bsp.bz2 04/10/2009 01:03 AM 4,115,343 cp_warpath2.bsp.bz2 04/10/2009 12:35 AM 3,954,199 cp_wolf2_b1.bsp.bz2 04/10/2009 12:39 AM 12,033,975 cp_woodshed_b2.bsp.bz2 04/10/2009 01:05 AM 7,747,201 ctf_1fort_a1.bsp.bz2 04/10/2009 12:40 AM 9,232,339 ctf_2docks.bsp.bz2 04/10/2009 12:31 AM 20,522,010 ctf_2fort_night.bsp.bz2 04/10/2009 12:49 AM 23,820,420 ctf_aesoprock_b7.bsp.bz2 04/10/2009 12:50 AM 265,117 ctf_bball2.bsp.bz2 04/10/2009 12:51 AM 3,358,412 ctf_blitz.bsp.bz2 04/10/2009 12:54 AM 13,555,753 ctf_convoy_v2.bsp.bz2 04/10/2009 12:54 AM 10,503,094 ctf_crossunder.bsp.bz2 04/10/2009 12:58 AM 16,859,073 ctf_cruise_b1.bsp.bz2 04/10/2009 12:55 AM 1,169,888 ctf_hallofdeath.bsp.bz2 04/10/2009 01:03 AM 9,364,089 ctf_mach4.bsp.bz2 04/10/2009 12:56 AM 6,954,326 ctf_royal_b3.bsp.bz2 04/10/2009 12:29 AM 7,836,507 ctf_snofort_final.bsp.bz2 04/10/2009 12:57 AM 3,725,543 ctp_epsilon_a3.bsp.bz2 04/10/2009 01:09 AM 47,129,770 cyberpunk.bsp.bz2 04/10/2009 12:41 AM 3,787,821 garbage_day.bsp.bz2 04/10/2009 01:11 AM 0 list.txt 04/10/2009 12:47 AM 42,090,432 pl_cashworks_b3a.bsp.bz2 04/10/2009 12:31 AM 10,454,212 pl_cave_b6.bsp.bz2 04/10/2009 12:46 AM 11,462,266 pl_cranetop_b8.bsp.bz2 04/10/2009 12:22 AM 11,990,390 pl_dbheights_b2.bsp.bz2 04/10/2009 12:59 AM 2,668,117 pl_donkeykong_final.bsp.bz2 04/10/2009 12:33 AM 11,216,270 pl_dustbowl_b4.bsp.bz2 04/10/2009 01:09 AM 40,413,387 pl_frontier_b2.bsp.bz2 04/10/2009 12:58 AM 3,395,603 pl_grassandcave_a5.bsp.bz2 04/10/2009 01:10 AM 34,819,789 pl_great_heights_b2.bsp.bz2 04/10/2009 01:02 AM 20,464,033 pl_haywood_beta6.bsp.bz2 04/10/2009 12:48 AM 41,185,673 pl_hoodoo.bsp.bz2 04/10/2009 12:44 AM 3,703,809 pl_payback_beta.bsp.bz2 04/10/2009 12:33 AM 8,739,362 pl_strider_v1.bsp.bz2 04/10/2009 01:10 AM 24,815,558 pl_woodland_b4.bsp.bz2 62 File(s) 795,790,156 bytes 2 Dir(s) 1,146,192,588,800 bytes free Edit: Here is the torrent: TF2_Maps.torrent If some files are incorrect I can always put out a revised torrent; MOST of the maps should be correct, and I just want to start seeding so it can spread around. Most torrent clients can let you select which files to download, I recommend picking a couple files (especially popular maps) and starting with those. Edit 2: All of these files, except for great_heights, are downloaded from the list by Powerlord a couple pages back. If you want to help jump-start seeding, grab a couple of those and overwrite the ones created by the torrent with them (while the torrent is stopped, of course). I'm not easily connectible so it may take a while for seeding to get going.
  9. What maps have been added since the big list 2 pages ago? I'm compiling all of the files for easy downloading in torrent form, and I'd like as many as possible to be in there.
  10. Cashworks has way too many low-performance open areas for me to enjoy. I like the map, it just runs like shit on my computer. (At worst Dustbowl/Goldrush get down to 10fps during spamfests, Cashworks was dipping under 5 in open areas with no one shooting anything, and never above 20.) I liked the original version of downtown with the underground area, even with the spawns facing each other. If you combine the back-area spawns with the underground middle CP, spread out the buildings a little (it was way too easy to stickyjump across), and moved some of the health/ammo pickups around (there was a medium healthkit on every building point, if you knew where they were you had a huge advantage as an attacker) it could be a great map. Also I'm going to bug everyone daily until great heights is put on Can you also put cranetop in the nominate list? That one's great fun for small/medium teams (not so much above 9v9 though).
  11. Can we try out pl_great_heights? I've played it on a couple other servers, and it's great fun. Probably one of the most balanced PL maps I've played, there's a nifty underwater section, lots of environmental hazards, and most chokepoints are balanced enough to break through with coordination. The third stage is a bit rough (in terms of quality) but otherwise it's a good map.
  12. I've written a couple things in 5/4 but I can't play them because I keep messing up the timing.
  13. The other problem is it doesn't really help when it's 4am and you're looking for a server to play on, and all the ones that have non-zero player counts are spoofing but aren't getting penalized because 18 hours of the day there's normal play.
  14. That gap's always been there, sometimes you can lob nades or stickies under it with hilarious results during setup. There's going to be a mini update in the next couple days to prepare for the scout update, followed by the actual scout update sometime after that.
  15. I shipped some Jamspace footage to Dom yesterday (Thursday afternoon, I believe). Really the main holdup has been getting video from other people so we can edit things into more interesting segments, although that's mostly for the concerts (but there was a lot of other people filming in Jamspace too). There's a whole new department for this whole operation, and we're just trying to get organized right now. Next year we'll do a much better job of gathering footage on-site and keeping in contact with other filmers so we can have the best coverage of MAGFest ever.
  16. Rough renderings, just a sample of what's to come once I get audio and more time to edit.
  17. Do you have the original video files? Could you possibly upload/send all of them zipped up or something to us? (Mail a DVD?) We're trying to collect as many possible alternate angles + stills as possible for videos.
  18. Maybe. We can do bigger files then, but it would take a while to get a couple seeds ready. Remember it's probably going to be at least a month before we have a good chunk even edited, and then that needs to be encoded and uploaded. We're planning on doing actual DVDs of the concerts (probably 2-3 sets per disc) and the youtube thing is mostly to promote MAGFest, so I don't see a reason not to put up a torrent eventually, but it'll probably be lower priority.
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