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Posts posted by GroundTrooper1130

  1. Wells let's go on from there:

    Hardest boss for me to beat on the computer and still remains to be the hardest boss I've ever fought on an RPG Level Is off of Baldurs Gate 1 The end fight with Saravok, He nailed me time after time, after time, till I had to put it down and play something else cause he could always hit me, and slaughter the rest of my party.

    For the SNES Well hell that goes to erg, um hmm...I'd say..frm Secert of Mana 2 the Dark Knight in the Glass desert that guy chews you up at high levels and spits you right the hell out like you were nothing more than a play thing.

    Nes: Well thats simple for me that goes to As one said before Contra 3

    Sega...hmmmm Streets of rage 3 The last boss is that robot, I killed him a cheap way, but I fought him legit as the blonde haired guy, and got whipped, and I'm pro at those games.

    Sega Saturn: Tch That would be Bugs.

    Oh and Game Boy boss, this is the olden age when it came out first..the bulky ones..Goes to Final Fantasy Legend 1, and thats the last boss btw.

    I'd list more but I feel that I'd only look like an ass.

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