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Posts posted by ZeroSky

  1. (hey, the forum upgrade actually fixed my long-since screwed up account... sweetness.)

    You wanna hear it? I was gonna hold it but I am quite excited about what I've started. This is two nights work...structure is very loose right now, just gettin some grooves down.


    Pardon me whilst I drool uncontrollably, because that's just pure digital awesomeness right there.

  2. 8O HOLY CRAP... This is nothing short of brilliant... :D This is by far one of the best remixes I've heard yet. Had I not already known what this was, I seriously might've thought it was something from Gary Hoey, it's extremely excellently done, and does have a similar sound to his style... Also, if I'm not mistaken, at around 3:12 it changes to the theme from the final level of the game, which combines my two favorite themes in this game into one excellent remix... This always used to be one of my favorite NES games, so it's great to see it get some coverage here... VERY nice...
  3. The most difficult boss I've ever played against would be the SA-X from Metroid Fusion. However, I'm not talking about when you battle her right before the end of the game...I'm talking about when you have to run get past her in Sector 2, after you turn on the auxilary power...sheesh, she's annoying (and I have fairly lousy aim with the missles, which could explain a lot...^_^). If you want to know who I feel was the most difficult boss that I actually battled and not just ran from, I would probably say Dark Link from Zelda 2.

    Aahh... 8O I forgot about Zelda II... That game is hard... O_o After quite a while of playing, I finally managed to get to the Great Palace... took a quick look at that, and haven't played it since... o_O I keep thinking about it, but I know I'll die... >_< and I'll get that annoying 8-bit shadow of Ganon mocking me... >_<

    *screams profanity at TV*



    As result, I haven't even gotten to see what Dark Link looks like yet...

    NONE !!! I use a GAMESHARK !!!!!!!!! :lol:

    Pfft. Wimp. :P

    Actually, I have a couple older Gamesharks that I use now and then, just for the heck of it, but I don't use it to pass things I'm stuck on... It doesn't really feel like beating it if I cheat at it...

    Although I will use it if I do something incredibly STUPID, like deleted my fully loaded (in cars and cash) Gran Turismo game save... >_< I've done that with both GT1 and GT3, and I'm not about to do all that work again to get everything back... So I use the GS to buy my cars back... (still having to earn the lisences and trophies...) *kicks self for stupidity*

  4. One of the hardest bosses I've faced in the games I've played would have to be the PS2 version of Ultimate 9-ball in Armored Core 2: Another Age... >_< I lost track of how long it took me to beat him for the first time... Even the normal 9-ball was hard, but this was just ridiculous, especially because he wasn't anywhere near that hard originally, in Armored Core: Master of Arena... (PSX) And I had trouble enough trying to do it with Plus/overweight, it's completely horror for me with a normal AC...

    Of course, others I talk to say he wasn't that hard, so I aparrently just suck. >_<

    Have you ever played KaaZaa? That RIAA guy is incredibly powerful and it strikes when you least expect it.


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