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  1. Well... Now it's working with me... Thanks a LOT
  2. Well, I use browsers in portuguese, I'll try to translate the errors. Hope it helps In Internet Explorer A página não pode ser exibida A página que você procura não está disponível no momento. Talvez o site da Web esteja passando por dificuldades técnicas ou você precise ajustar as configurações do navegador. Something like: The page cannot be shown The page that you are looking for isn't avaliable at the time. Maybe the site of Web is having technical difficulties ou you need to adjust the configurations of you browser Firefox (my choice) O documento não contém nenhuma informação or: The document doesn't have any information
  3. I asked some friends to acess the http://bt.ocremix.org/, but they failed. Is the site blocked for brazilian users?
  4. well, I do not have problems with proxys... I don't use any kind of firewall...
  5. I can't connect to the BT page too... Why?
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