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moIto pene

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Posts posted by moIto pene

  1. i know this might be real late to say, mainly cause the project is currently underway, but i have a good idea.

    you say that a piano piece or arrangement would be perfect for the end right?...well...i know just the man to do it!

    KlUtZ! *or however the caps are arranged*

    his piano pieces are just perfect for this, and i bet he will be more than willing to help out in this!

    so ya...theres my input...

    if i knew how to work orchestra related programs better *i have the newest sybalius >.>* i would help.....i really want to too

    oh well....theres my input

  2. man this track is awesome. i dont know what the judge that was baggin on this track was smokin

    alright so that guitar solo around 1:55 was a bit high pitched and made it hard to hear the trumpets in teh background, but big deal.

    this is a great "garage band" style track. i love it. its just too bad that my band cant play like this :P

    anyways, my favorite thing about this song is the drums. it gives the song so much "power". i mean, try taking out teh precussion in this song and what do you get? nothing. it just makes the song so ALIVE.

    anyways, i tip my hat to you tony thai. nice work.

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