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Everything posted by Demos.Machina

  1. I'm not going to go right out and jump the gun by saying this is the best track on my playlist, but it's a damn good one I say. Still, it's unfair for me to judge a song after only having it for a day. It takes me many listenings to a song for me to fully appreciate it. The piano at the start of the song is great, and the beat in the background along with the distortion starting at :22 only adds to it. Around :43, when the main riff of Zeal came on, I almost cringed my first time through. No, this isn't from it being bad, merely it was a shock. I had never heard Zeal like this before. It's a bloody good thing to hear though. It goes through another change somewhere around 1:55 and gets out of the piano phase and into a great techno phase until 2:34 when the two merge into a perfect harmony. Seriously, great stuff. I don't care how many times I hear Zeal, it'll never loose that great touch it has. This is just a different way of listening to it, and I recommend it.
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