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Posts posted by djBOB

  1. Like a breath of fresh air man..

    I particularly like the climax ordering.. I'm a big one for climax ordering.. this song is definitely one of the best at that, if not the best....

    As for creative inspiriation and originality, I'll give you an OK, it sounds similar to the old track, but much improved in many ways, when I first listened to this, I thought.. no way did you make this for no money.. but on second thoughts, I've said that of many tracks made by DJpretzel and MCVAffe...

    I've been coming to the OCR for a while, had my acct for less than a week, but this is probably the best orchestral piece on the site.. I like the horns.. I don't care what you say!

    Props on the the sound from about 4:05 thru 4:30, And i'm lovin 5:20.. has a Howard Shore feeling to it

    EDIT: Songs like this DO make OCR great!

  2. I liked this remix.. it's pretty damn good in my opinion. Fast paced guitars, nice speedy changes.. in fact, I like most of the energetic songs on this site.. Right now.. I'm just boosted about listening to this, but I suppose I'll come back later and give a more comprehensive review... but definitely very good for the fast paced listener in all of us..


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