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Posts posted by beckett007

  1. Hey all,

    So the original creators of Shadowgate have secured the license and have just started a Kickstarter campaign today for a remake of the NES classic which will be headed to Mac, PC, and Tablets!

    As I'm the composer / sound designer on the project and fairly active here at OCR, I figured I'd share. If you're like me, and played the heck out of the original back in '89, please support this rad project! Oh, we also have all of the rights to utilize the original NES tunes. I've already done an updated version of the "Castle Halls" piece which can be heard via the kickstarter page and via soundcloud.



  2. Thanks all!

    For those curious about what libraries were used...

    ALL String work - LA Scoring Strings(LASS)

    Brass - custom

    Percussion - custom

    Vocal Solo - Francesca (8dio)

    Choir - Requiem (soundiron), Symphony of Voices / Omnisphere (spectrasonics)

    Synths - Omnisphere (spectrasonics)

    This was done in 12 tracks... I've never been one to utilize huge templates.

    Thanks again.. and to you other remixers out there.. keep up the great work!


  3. Hello all,

    I just recently started a new blog on which I'll be reorchestrating / updating a slew of sierra game soundtrack cues in my spare time. At the moment, I'm on a Police Quest kick and have a handful of pieces up already with many pieces already in the pipeline... so there should be fairly regular updates.

    Please check out the blog here and help me spread the word!




  4. Thanks!! Sure, feel free to send me a pm...but know i most likely wont give away most of my sample secrets. This sample set gives me a competitive edge you see. :)

    I will say a few things about the library though for those curious:

    - All of these Indy pieces were done in 8 tracks or less

    - the samples are true legato...hence the smooth transitions

    - there was no verb added....they sound like this out of the box (save for some added eq and compression)

    - the players involved have been used on countless high profile film scores

    - once again, just one sample library was used for this project

    - each piece took 2 to 4 hours from start to finish...I work fast to begin with

    - is this lib comercially available? Sort of.. but i'll never tell. And no, its in no way related to project sam or east west.

  5. Over the last month or so I began to re-orchestrate and re-arrange pieces from an old adventure game that is dear to my heart... Indiana Jones and the Fate of Atlantis. The original score composed by Clint Bajakian, Peter McConnell, and Michael Z. Land was epic in its own right and has some amazing themes and motifs running throughout. What I've done here is totally reworked some of the original midi source files and have re-recorded them utilizing a custom sample library recorded in London... which is why this album is called "The London Sessions".

    Because only ONE custom sample set was used the album has a very nice cohesive feel to it and turned out really well!

    Those familiar with the game will REALLY enjoy this for sure. Those who aren't should grab a copy of it off of STEAM or unlock the game within the Wii version of Staff of Kings. Old school goodness.

    Anyway, this is far from a complete score from the game, in fact it's more like a "best of" but all of the big pieces are there.


    Here's the full track list.

    TRT - 31 Minutes +/-

    1. The Raiders March (main titles)* - 2:23

    2. Map Screen - :30

    3. Kerner and Trip To Iceland (Kerner steals the statue)* - 3:13

    4. Sophias Presentation - 2:19

    5. Streets of Monte Carlo (monte carlo car chase) - 1:47

    6. The Unfortunate Death of Dr. Jones* - 1:24

    7. Fight at the Dig (fight music)* - 1:31

    8. The First Ring of Atlantis - 3:13

    9. Crab Raft - 2:25

    10. Lava Maze - 2:54

    11. Finale and End Credits (the second ring of atlantis)* - 9:25

    *-Contains portions of The Raiders March by John Williams

    Check out a few samples:

    Fight at the Dig:


    Crab Raft:


    Finally, the FULL album can be downloaded here:


    Or if that link is having issues, it can be downloaded via my site here:




  6. Lol... Nice catch fellas, thanks.

    Ive got a few more releases up my sleeve, at some point in the future Ill release a bundle at a discounted rate. BUT, thats why i opted for the "add to cart option" so you could purchase them all at once via paypal if you wanted.

    Thanks for the support, and enjoy! The Door turned out really well.... Its amazng the material I was able to squeeze out of a metal barn door.


  7. TheDoor_ScreenCap_Amb.jpg


    More Info, Extensive Demos, and To Purchase:


    What is THE DOOR?

    If your next project takes you to the deepest and darkest depths of a dungeon, basement, or into a serial killers house, THE DOOR would be a perfect companion to bring along. Recorded from a 10 foot metal barn door (as well as a few other small found items in the barn itself) the door is an ambient horror scoring juggernaut consisting of two separate packs ($15 per pack). One is centered around deep, dark, and low end percussion perfect for subtle stingers or heart pumping chases, while the other consists of a series of pads, buildups, and drones to help augment the horror or tension of a scene / level.

    THE DOOR - Features:

    - Up to 4 Velocity layers for some patches

    - The attack has a knob on the GUI and is mapped to the mod wheel for added control

    - Additional reverb has been added, which can be turned off via a button on the GUI

    - Use the pitch bend wheel for even more horror or to create slow creepout pads.

    - Ambient Tension ($15) contains 14 kontakt isntruments, the mod wheel is a powerful weapon with these as it can allow you to create your own slow buildups or just off key creepout pads.

    - Percussive Tension ($15) contains 14 kontakt instruments

    Teaser Video

  8. Samples_TensionSnare_sm.jpg

    For details, a demo, and to purchase, please visit the tension snare site:


    For info on more Cinematic Tension sample libraries, please visit the main page:



    FULL Version of Kontakt 4.2.3

    Please note that this library WILL work in the Kontakt Player, but only in DEMO MODE, you'll have a 15 minute time limit.

    What is TENSION SNARE?

    A long march, an epic uphill battle, or a counterattack launched on the enemy. What do these all have in common musically? Most likely, a powerful snare drum! TENSION SNARE is a very suitable snare library which has been competitively priced and contains a very rich and epic sounding snare which has been mastered to sound more like an ensemble. TENSION SNARE is a great additional to any composers arsenal!

    5 Kontakt Instruments included with TENSION SNARE:


    This is the main patch of the library and is a basic pearl snare recorded in a theater so it has a nice rich ambiance. Overall it has a deep timbre perfect for all of your cinematic snare needs and is very aggressive in sound. There are even short rolls mapped to the upper end of the keyboard.


    This patch is once again from the same snare recording but has been pitched up slightly to make it sound more like a piccolo snare.


    Stemming from the same recording, this patch has been pitch shifted down slightly as well as EQ'ed to give it a much more lower end timbre.


    The first of the EXTRA patches included with this library which have been sound designed to sound like something much different than a snare drum. In the case of this patch, it is meant to sound like a set of concert toms... and succeeds.


    The second of the EXTRA patches included with this library which have been sound designed to sound like something much different than a snare drum. In the case of this patch, it is meant to sound like a bass drum.. and would be great for an orc onslaught.



  9. Thanks DJ!

    Yeah, THE DOOR, is a pretty rad little library and it has gotten a great reception from my beta testers. There are a couple of really great melodic (and CREEPY) flute patches I made from various squeaks with said door. For the percussion aspect of the library I took shovels, sledgehammers, and my own foot to the door for various types of impacts. There's a percussion instrument that this will ship with called PRC_FactoryChase that is essentially various door hits (with multiple velocities) that sounds really cool. More details and info coming soon!!

    Don't forget to check out the new Tension Snare demo and details... it's a great epic snare library that won't break the bank ($12).


    Thanks for the support!!


  10. Happy Saturday Everyone!

    BOTTLENECK has been released for $15, here are the details:


    Info, demos, and purchase options can be found on the main bottleneck page:


    What is BOTTLENECK?

    A set of 3 glass wine bottles which have been meticulously recorded, pitch shifted, and turned into 7 multisampled kontakt instruments. Surprisingly, this library is geared toward building cinematic tension / suspense in sci fi, quirky, or horror related projects. Much like the Dryer Drum of Death, there is an included delay complete with built in step sequencer, as well as an arpeggiator in 3 of the instruments. Both of which TEMPO SYNC to your host.

    Video tour of the library:


    BOTTLENECK Features:

    - 4 to 6 Velocity Layers for most samples (be sure to try different velocities!)

    - Controllable reverb. A reverb On / Off button is right on the GUI (starts in the ON position)

    - Low hits which have been pitched and designed

    - High hits which have been slightly tuned

    - Sample base is unlocked

    - Built in kontakt arpeggiator and delay sequencer, both tempo sync to your host sequencer

    - Mod wheel controls the attack to get even more dynamic control

    - Cost: $15

    Check out the main page for more TENSION filled libraries:


    There are some VERY exciting upcoming releases, including this very cost effective and epic orchestral snare library:


    As well as this horror themed percussion and ambience suite:



  11. Hello all,

    It's official, CLAVED is released! Head on over to the Cinematic Tension page to purchase it


    There's also a short teaser video for the library we're releasing after BOTTLENECK simply called... THE DOOR. CREEEEEEPY STUFF so far, so be sure to check that out.


    What is CLAVED ™?

    If your next scoring assignment takes your music into a jungle to rescue POWs, slaughter aliens, make a difficult shot from a mile away, or track down terrorists... you need CLAVED in your arsenal of samples. For this sample set, I found the heaviest, loudest, and nicest set of Claves (http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Claves ) I could find, sampled them, and as usual... mangled them to make this simple rhythm instrument a fully realized playable tension suite. Everything is represented here from a basic clave patch with three different recordings mapped to three keys (each with up to 4 velocity layers) in a room setting, to a fully playable and tuned ethnic sounding patch, to a "stealth" patch with extreme low end attitude for a grand total of 10 kontakt instruments. Some patches utilize a tempo synced delay and arpeggiator for added tension building goodness.

    CLAVED ™ Features:

    - 3 to 5 Velocity Layers for most samples (be sure to try different velocities!)

    - Controllable reverb. A reverb On / Off button is right on the GUI (starts in the ON position)

    - 10 Kontakt isntruments

    - Varying degrees of added reverb pre-added for added epicness (room, stage, hall, and cave)

    - Built in kontakt arpeggiator and delay sequencer, both tempo sync to your host sequencer

    - Mod wheel controls the attack to get even more dynamic control

    Enjoy, and thanks for your support!


  12. One word (well acronym really):

    LASS - LA Scoring Strings

    They're pricey, but IMO the best sounding strings on the market. They have amazingly extensive legato scripting and allow you to record really nice sounding melodic string lines with little to no effort. I would suggest LASS lite.


    I used them exclusively for my Ice Cap Zone PRC remix which can be heard here:


    Notice the violins / cellos about a minute in with the gnarly legato...

    Give em a shot, you WON'T be disappointed!


  13. Thanks Arch, glad you dig the dryer drum! The first commercial release, CLAVED, hits this friday for $20.

    I just added the following video walkthroughs to their respective product pages, check em out if you're still on the fence.

    BOTTLENECK video tour:


    CLAVED video tour:


    Enjoy, and keep an eye out on the site this friday! Dont forget to subscribe to the CINEMATIC TENSION newsletter via the site and like our facebook page for tons of updates and other entertaining tidbits.

    There are some really interesting releases in the pipeline of things that shouldnt be musical... but somehow now are.


  14. Fair enough fair enough, to each their own. I, however, am mainly focusing on atmosphere and tension building with my libraries.

    We'll see what happens! I have a newsletter link up on the main page:

    Also have a company facebook page set up. Be sure to like / subscribe to get the latest updates!

    Main Page:





  15. Meteo, NICE idea... the irish whistle has been added to my list of future releases. Of course, bear in mind that as my libraries focus on tension this would not be your basic irish flute sample set. It'd be pitched, mangled, and tweaked. However, I'd most likely have a patch with some normalish ambient phrases for ya ;).

    Kuolema, nope... unfortunately there is no chance of a release in soundfont format. These libraries highly utilize Kontakts amazing built in features making it tied to that format. Sorry!

    Shrack - Thanks! As for mics... I'm honestly just using a tascam DR07 field recorder. Great little device. The magic here isn't reliant on the raw recordings, it mainly happens in post and scripting.


  16. LOL... nice pick. I think I'm one of the 5 peeps on the planet that hasn't actually tried to remix this bad boy. There's surprisingly some really epic stuff in that source which is really good material for orchestral work. No kidding, the source was thematically and tonally reminding me of "Arrival to Earth" from Transformers by Jablonsky and "Time" by Zimmer, so... I know you're all really surprised, thats the route I took. My remix is complete and uploaded with the usual epicness. I think this one may damn well be my best remix work to date and worthy of an official submit to the judges panel here at OCR.

    Also, congrats Nutritious... nice mix you had there, great work man.

    Lastly, don't want to hi-jack this thread by any means, but I do want to advertise my new cinematic sample library that I released for FREE. Read more about it here on the forums:



  17. Hello All,

    By now most of you are familiar with my cinematic style here at OCR. I've been using custom samples for the last two years and have decided to start producing and releasing my own custom sets of samples into the wild.

    This first release is called Dryer Drum of DEATH:



    FULL Version of Kontakt 4.2.3

    Please note this library WILL NOT work with the kontakt player... sorry.

    What is DRYER DRUM of DEATH?

    It's your average every day dryer which has been meticulously recorded and turned into 5 multisampled kontakt instruments. Surprisingly, this library is geared toward building cinematic tension / suspense, creating eerie cinematic percussive ambiances, and helping to augment high octane action cues. There is even an included delay complete with built in step sequencer that TEMPO SYNCS to your host...you're welcome :). Overall It's a great library for creating tensions.

    DRYER DRUM of DEATH Features:

    -5 Kontakt instrument files

    -3 to 4 Velocity Layers for most samples (be sure to try different velocities!)

    -Multiple hits from a metal dryer (some designed)

    -Sample base is unlocked

    -Reverb pre-added for added epicness

    -Built in kontakt delay arp that tempo syncs to your host sequencer

    -Mod wheel controls the attack to get even more dynamic control

    -Cost: FREE, I was going to charge $15 for it but decided against it

    Even though this is free, if you feel like you'll get some use out of this instrument set, donations are appreciated in whatever amount you see fit. There's a paypal button via the link below for ease

    More info, the full manual (with a detailed license agreement), demos, and of course a download link to the library itself can be found via my webpage here:


    Enjoy, and rock on!

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