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Posts posted by sgx

  1. Awesome, I'm getting 1 of 20 physical discs!

    Hopefully, this time around, shipping won't mutilate the nice jewel box. My copy of Audix' ODM arrived with the case almost broken in two. :(

    Thankfully, Jewelboxing offers free samples, so I picked one up as a replacement. I'd feel bad about doing it again, so here's hoping it gets careful handling.

    I've shipped probably around 200 cds in those cases and I've only gotten feedback from a couple people saying they've broken. The cases seem to be sturdier than normal jewel cases too. Sometimes I'd stick a piece of bubble wrap inside of the case to protect from it from collapsing from getting squashed but not always since I didn't know if it was necessary or not. I'll try and do it all the time now.

  2. Woo. I'll have pictures of the discs probably tomorrow. These are cased in the same kickass cases I did Audix's and a lot of my albums in.



    Physical orders should ship thursday. The shop has been tested, but please let me know if you encounter any ordering problems!

    Enjoy the music. I dig this album quite a bit. It's not the most slickly produced thing I've heard (though it doesn't sound bad or anything), but its a lot of fun. A lot of it sounds Uematsu-esque and really brings me back to playing 32 bit RPGs like Suikoden and FFVII, where there were certain 'ominous' themes, 'adventuring' themes, etc that illustrated scenes. This is that, plus electronica sprinkled in for more fun-ness. Even the not high-end acoustic instrument samples (Reason orkester, I believe) suggest to me that 32 bit game system midi flavor. This is good, and it isn't something I've heard too much before. Right on.

  3. its because never having to swap out is really nice

    anyone that has a custom fwd psp or r4ds can tell ya that

    Yeah I love downloadable games for 360, PS3 and PSP. Its great just turning on the system and browsing the list of games, seeing what I feel like playing at the moment. Especially for the PSP where you don't have to carry anything but the PSP. Sony should really go wild with the PSP Playstation Store, make the PSP 3000 cheaper, get rid of the UMD drive, and give it either a HD or 16+ GB solid state memory.

  4. LOL, that you did. Good times. That was the highlight of that trip. How sad is that? ;)

    Oh, and I still remember the funniest thing that GL ever told me on AIM. I tell the story still to real life friends.

    Me: So, where did you come with your username?

    GL: My real name is Gray Alexander.

    Me: Holy crap, that's an awesome name! Where did your parents come up with that?

    GL: Well, they were hippies, so I'm just glad that I wasn't named "Wednesday".

    Man, good times. Good good times.

    I think he told me that too...I guess he reuses his material.

  5. Uhh dunno if you wanna trade in Rock Band 1... Last I checked it traded in for like $2. And I don't think EB Games accepts drumsets anymore.

    Huh...is there a way to find trade in values online or do you have to go to the store? I'm just trading in the game. I'm not buying the new gear. I've spent a lot of money on music games this year - I'll use the old stuff.

  6. ok this makes me kinda mad

    you get all these tons of BUY MY ALBUM threads that get tons of support and posts by the other BUY MY ALBUM people and "important" people but then the really good free stuff like this or antipodes superscape get no support from anyone

    why the heck cant more "important" people take the time out to make posts to support stuff like this

    i mean stuff like this is a significant part of the community and it will have a hard time growing if people dont do something about it

    People don't respond as well to compilation albums. People like to support independent artists in the community, but generally have some favorites - its a bit more monumental when an artist puts out a whole album of material than participating in one song on a compilation of artists the listener may or may not like or know of. I put together a couple free albums where friends remixed some of my stuff and interest on those was way less than my normal albums.

    Also, maybe the albums from "important" people get more attention because they are for pay. When you release an album for pay, especially when there is a physical version, the artist has invested not only extra time, but money to get the thing out there. In these cases, support is actually needed, not just wanted, and I think listeners respond to that.

    I listened to this album and it is pretty rad. Thanks folks for putting this together. I really dug Treedom and Grizzly Adams, though they were both so short! Overall, it was a nice bunch of mainly chill tracks that were nice to listen to during my work day. Yummy

  7. MC (did some piano remixes) and I used to talk with him daily and he definitely faded out of existence. I remember he started being on AIM only once in a while and he would say that he was beginning to take on more responsibilities at the recording studio and getting busier. Then he was gone forever!

  8. Didn't you hear the sony E3 press conference? They said that MGS4 isn't only exclusive for the ps3. It's also only possible on the ps3 and only in part because of bluray. Plus you would need 12 disks.


    I'm pretty sure since they had so much space, they didn't work terribly hard on making efficient use of it. They probably used super-high quality lossless audio for a lot of the voice and cinema tracks that they could squeeze way down and sound very close to as good. Video could probably squashed a lot too. I bet they could get it within 4 DVD's if not 2.

    oh, and swapping discs 4 times is way better than waiting on 4 10 minute installs.

  9. For just about every person I know, it's hard to argue with what I just mentioned - a good GPA does wonders. My lack of one in undergrad cost me $100k in debt from 2 years of graduate school, having to work much harder to get into the PhD program (I was originally accepted only to the masters program, with a clear understanding that there was no guarantee that I would be accepted eventually into the PhD program) and obtain funding. Plenty of other people I know have had their choices severely limited after graduation because they did not have a good GPA. It is something that is pretty consistent from what I've seen.

    In addition, most applications after undergrad do not request your extracurriculars, much less care about them - graduate school the least of them all, with them clearly not interested in anything but stuff related to the department you're applying to. Their impact is far more minimal than a good GPA, and a great one such as an 3.8+ opens many other doors (better jobs, more job opportunities, significantly better starting income & pay raise track, etc.) that most of those without that type of GPA won't get a glimpse of.

    Of course I'm not advocating closeting yourself to study all of the time without participating in things that you like, but I'm putting everything into perspective. Personally I do think undergrad's primary importance is to socialize and to connect with others, but when prioritizing things you can make up, you can always meet with people another time, but you usually can't make up work or the damage that can be caused in your performance in a class from a missed important lecture.

    Obviously GPA is important in some fields, but in many it is not. Even for grad school. I don't think an arts grad school cares about what grades you got - they'll just look at your past work to see if you are talented.

    Though I do agree that some of the emphasis some people are putting on clubs is a bit overboard. No employee cares that you were active in DDR and Rock Climbing clubs. In order for a club to help your resume it either has to be something where you learn and develop skills you would want for a career or the club sounds like it would provide such skills (even if it doesn't).

  10. Sorry, but I disagree with you on this point. GPA is important, but it's more important in college that you did things. Do community service, join a club/greek/honorary group and go for leadership positions. You'd be much better off having a well-rounded resume with a 3.6 GPA than a 4.0 with no activities.

    GPA is mostly only important if your career is in the sciences. Otherwise, most employers will just look at your GPA to see that you are not some idiot irresponsible slacker. Just keep it above 3.0 and you're good. The important things are internships/experience and portfolio items. If you are in the arts, make sure you have portfolio items not just from class; it shows you have drive. See if you can find clubs or activities that will force you to use or develop skills that are important for your career path.

  11. rule of thumb is 2 hours of study for every 1 hour of class for a C level and it supposed to be 4 hours for an A...but i find that 3 is usually good.

    WTF? Maybe for med school or if you are really dumb or something. 100 level courses are generally quite easy and laid back. This is University I'm talking about, not Community College. CC is probably easier. My highschool friend called his first year of CC, "13th Grade".

  12. Okay, here's the mini "studio" I'm working from while on vacation at my mother in laws house in Tacoma, WA. Huge thanks to norg for lending me that Axiom 25 and his 5 string bass. In all I'm running everything off of that little laptop. Mainly working with Cubase 4, Drumkit From Hell Superior (Superior 2.0 as soon as it ships :D:D:D) and various softsynths and libraries. The instruments are a Hohner B Bass V, Carvin DC127 guitar, shitty strat copy which I have modified into a 7 string (B to B tuning) and a badass green pickup and scalloped fingerboard. Not pictured are the little practice amp that I'm running Waves GTR3 through, and my Shure SM57 that records it.


    Oh, and norg and I built that awesome table together last year because I had no place to record music when I visited here. I've "modified" it (aka put hooks and hangers on it) in a way that keeps the floor and surrounding area totally free from loose cabling. My work area is totally clean and very conducive to music creation.

    P.S. Yeah, I know the date on the camera is wrong, I forget to set it... :(

    Woah I have a Dell Inspiron, an Axiom 25, and those same headphones! I've got a chair and a mouse too!!!!

  13. ACID Music is probably a lot more functional than you think it is. The last two versions have vsti support, record fine, have some of the best audio manipulation tools available, etc. Upgrading to ACID Pro (which is also pretty kickass) only gets you a bunch of much more advanced features you probably don't have use for yet.

    I'm just saying you may want to look further into learning ACID a bit before you spend money on a new host. You could spend your money on new plugins that will work in ACID or any new host you may upgrade to in the future.

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