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LJU-English Translator

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Everything posted by LJU-English Translator

  1. Okay. I read up to page 32, and I had so many in my mind that I didn't want to forget them, so forgive me if they've already been beaten to death. Paranoia Survivor on Heavy springs to mind, but I won't count that. Technically not a boss, but at some point during Serious Sam 1, in one of the later city levels, you're running down this road between two walls of buildings, and literally HUNDREDS of skeletons come galloping toward you. Abso-fricken-lutely ridiculous. Lessee...Indalecio (Star Ocean 2) was hard, if you fought the archangel version. If you've beaten it, you probably know what I'm talking about. Luca Blight (Suikoden 2) gave me a hell of a lot of trouble the first few times I took him on. As did the wolf-thing at the end. Ah! I seriously doubt anyone'll remember this, but Mr. Schneobelen (Pandemonium 2) has got to be one of the the HARDEST SoBs ever. I'll probably be laughed at and mocked for this, but Duriel (Diablo 2) always, always, ALWAYS kills me several times. One more. Level 5.10, The Gathering, on Hardcore mode. (Crimsonland) Is it physically possible to beat this?
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