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Posts posted by kamikazifreak

  1. Oh, and just ignore that transition that I screwed up completely.

    The intro is gonna be based off of Paul Revere by the Beastie Boys; if you're curious the lyrics will be:

    Nooooooow here's a little story, I got to tell

    about two good brothers you know so well

    it started way back, in history

    with Mario, and me Luigi!

    Then 4 measures of bassline, then into the raps.

    It's going to be epic.

  2. That is close. It needs more of the bass beat where the lyrics will go, instead of melody. If I sing roughly what I want the mix to do, could you mix it to match?

    Yaaaaaay a response!

    Edit: Actually, after listening closer to that YouTube video, it's musically almost exactly what I'm looking for, starting at the 'Yo' at 0:22. If you could do the first six notes of the song, then jump to the part at 22 seconds and follow it from there, it would be perfect. I don't need the sound or instrumentation to be identical, but I want it to match measure for measure. The goal is for it to fit the raps. And it doesn't need all the goofy sound effects, because there aren't cartoons zipping around in the background.

    I would use the song straight from the video, but it's already got vocals and sound effects and everything.

  3. Ok, so if you take

    and listen to it, it shows basically what I'm looking for. What i want is for the track to match with lyrics as follows:

    Yo, yo!

    It's the Mario Brothers and plumbin's their game

    Found the secret warp zone while working on the drain

    Lend the princess a hand in the Mushroom Land.

    Comin' atcha with the plumbers, you'll be hooked on the brothers!

    Nooooooooow, Evil Koopa and his Troopas are up to misbehavin'

    They kidnapped the princess; Mushroom Land needs savin'

    Abusin' and confusin' everybody he discovers

    They can't help but be hooked on the brothers! Unh!

    H-hooked on the Brothers

    Gimme gimme, gimme gimme

    Yo, you're in for a treat, so hang on to your seat

    Get ready for adventure and remarkable feats

    You'll meet Koopas, the Troopas, the Princess, and the others

    Hangin' with the plumbers, you'll be hooked on the brothers, to the brink!

    Unh! Unh!

    I say a h-h-h-h-hooked on the brothers!

    The brothers!

    The brothers!

    I have confirmed hat availability. If you want to help with this, I need it by midday Saturday (approx. 42 hours!) so let me know! Please post if you're interested, so I can make sure you know just what I need.

  4. Ok, so I've got a request for a very specific Mario remix. I need a backing track for some Plumber Rap (yes, the Super Mario Bros. Super Show Plumber Rap) that is going to go down on Saturday at the Marmalade Dog 16 gaming convention in Kalamazoo. I've got the vocals figured out but due to poor planning I have neglected to address the fact that a cappella Plumber Rap is probably going to sound pretty lame, and I'd like to make it significantly cooler than that. My friend who's going to be doing this with me is currently making a pair of Mario and Luigi hats for us to wear. If you, brave remixer, would be so gracious as to help us achieve our noble quest, I'm pretty certain that I can get her to make an extra hat, just for you, sized to your head, your choice of Mario or Luigi. In the unlikely circumstance that that is not possible, I will personally donate my own Luigi hat. SACRIFICES MUST BE MADE.

    The remix itself should be pretty easy to do for anyone who's used mixing software before, which is not me. The goal is to get something that sounds as much like the backing music to the show's Plumber Rap as possible, and since that is a really low bar to meet (it's a rushed job children's shop rap in the first place) I'm hoping someone will be able to do it on short notice. I will be posting an ad-libbed vocal track that will show basically what the track needs to sound like, probably later tonight or tomorrow. This is so the song will be doing the right thing at the right time, to match the vocals. It's kinda like a paint-by-numbers remix I guess. I just need someone to make it sound like 1989 rap beats, instead of me making noises.

    If you have any ability to remix a few synth beats and want to be a part of this ridiculousness, please let me know! FAME! HAT! UNDYING GRATITUDE! YOU COULD HAVE ALL THESE AND MORE!

  5. urprised no one has mentioned Plok. I love the music in that game, but some of it was unnecessarily epic and other were just plain weird. (like have the

    ) And others still we cute and happy...when you were in a

    This man speaks the truth. Plok rocks the 7/8 time with composers Tim and Geoff Follin.

    Honestly, Tim Follin rocks my socks with almost everything he puts out, which brings me to my contribution.

    Time Trax title theme, also accessible from Tim's own web page in the "Wine Cellar" section. For the Sega MegaDrive, a.k.a. Genesis, this track is outrageous.

    Note that the game this is from was never actually released, so you probably won't find this track anywhere else.

  6. Wow, I thought I was the only one! But to the point, this is a very good mix. It was the second one I downloaded from OC; I've got about 15 more now, and this is still my favorite (really slow [4kbps] internet + 3 weeks = 17 songs.)

    It's very upbeat and lively in style, the kind of thing you listen to when you need to be perked up. It moves along nicely, and the trombone part near the end is great, especially with the slowdown/pause before it.

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