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Aki Kitsune

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Posts posted by Aki Kitsune

  1. After listening to this song so much for so long, I now have Star Ocean: First Departure and I was standing around in a nice peaceful village after some sad scenes and the tune for that town was the original version of this song. The lyrics of this song fit a certain character very well, and the song in whole is wonderfully done and faithful to the source material. I would be hesitant to listen to a fan song with vocals, but this one was a pleasant surprise from the very beginning.

  2. This has probably been mentioned, but the pumped-up version of Indalecio from Star Ocean 2 is bloody impossible. D:

    I was going to say this but I recently beat him by giving in and doing the bloody armor method. It was still a pain though. I'm going to go with Freya in Star Ocean: Till the End of Time now. Can't wait for THAT on 4D mode. Wooo a boss with 60,000,000 HP. If I can do at least 1,000,000 HP of damage each minute the fight won't be longer then an hour!

  3. Get it. If you like this genre and have a thing for catchy tunes, give it a listen.

    When I saw another remix for my favorite series, I had to hear it. When I was reading the review on it, I was a little put off to hear it was something with lyrics, but from what I read, I was still hopeful. My problem with a remix having lyrics is that most I have heard were rap (Which isn't a bad thing, I just don't care for it) or the singer's voice wasn't enjoyable for me. I almost never listened to anything with lyrics on this site so the first time I was simply listening to how everything and trying to catch some words here and there.

    Wow. I got hooked in and I am so glad my first thoughts were wrong. I went back to the page and saw that lyrics are at the bottom, and much to the dismay of my family, I havn't stoped singing since.

    This remix had to have lyrics in it. The music is nice and catcy but I'm not sure if it is something I would listen to just for the sound. His voice though, very nice. Everything comes together and is very solid from my view point.

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