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Everything posted by eyefragment

  1. I've never taken a music theory class, and I don't listen to mainstream music. My musical background is simply that I'm a mediocre trumpet player. That's it, so I'm not going to go into any major detail. I know what I like. This is it. From beginning to end, the entire song was amazing. The flute solo at the start carries a lot of emotion with it; once I heard that, I knew the song would become a permanent member of my playlist. Once the transition to trance came around, well, I was blown away. Some people say that there are a lot of parts to this song that need to be improved (including GLL himself). To that, I reply, this song has so many layers that it is inevitable will be many "mistakes." It would be difficult for a single person to go through this 7 minute long song without finding something they don't like. Still, I'm amazed that people can dislike it, even with the errors. These errors can be seen as adding more more, not making the song worse. For example, I noticed the muffled pillow aspect that people were talking about, but it didn't bother me much, because the entire song was made up of so many short, moving layers that it just felt like another level of complexity rather than a sound error. As a side note, a friend had been bugging me to play this game (Tales of Phantasia), but I didn't want to bother. This song made me play it. I was quite surprised when the source material came up some five minutes into the game. I was thinking two things the entire time. One, that the sound on that game is amazing by SNES standards (as are the graphics. They had shadows that change length/direction with respect to light, non-tile based movement, wow!). Secondly, I was wishing that I was listening to GLL's rendition. The source is a very sad song. Nonetheless, the remix's opening would have done a better job expressing the emotions of the main character in that scene.
  2. Very nice re-interpretation, but being a trumpet player myself, I'm going to be a little harsh on the trumpet portion. It sounds like you're slowing your air down when you hold some of the notes. As another poster here said, you go from sounding beautiful to sounding like a 5th grader =(. please don't take this as a nasty comment, because I did think that you had very good tone at parts, but this remix would be much better with a more sustained trumpet sound.
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