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Posts posted by Foxhack

  1. The song's pretty good, very ravey. Too bad I don't like rave. *giggles*

    Seriously. The intro didn't sound at all like the song. From 00:28 to 1:08, it sounded pretty good.

    From 1:09 to 1:36 ... I really, REALLY hate that part. It's the only thing that sounds too... distorted. That kind of sound is what turned me away from rave sounds.

    From then onward, I really enjoyed the song. The distorted parts, that's the only thing I didn't like.

    But that's just me. ;) Sorry if I sounded rude.

  2. Here's one that probably only a few people have gotten to try. The entire final stage of Gradius II.

    Konami's EVIL.

    Try playing all the way through Axelay, making it to the final boss in hard mode, just to spend HALF AN HOUR shooting at it and not even fazing it.

    And this was seven years ago, in a real console. Christ, I hate Konami. >_<

  3. Rugal in KoF '94 was hard. Hard as bared nipples in an Alaskan winter. He wasn't much easier in '95, or in '98. Hell... Rugal has always been a cheap bastard, regardless of what game he's in (even Capcom vs SNK). As much as I love the KoF series, I HATE Rugal.

    You freakin' kidding me?! Omega Rugal 98 was a WIMP! I beat him the first time I got to him! And he wasn't that hard in '95. Saisyu Kusanagi was much harder than him.

    Also, he's a wimp as God Rugal, CvsS2. His moves do take out three times the normal amount, but once you know his pattern, he's easy. :)

    You want hard in KOF? Try Igniz. He's not -that- difficult, but he can juggle you and take out 75% of your life.

    I wonder what Eolith has in store for us in 2002...

  4. He's beatable, but he's cheaper in tactics than he was in Double Impact. To beat him, you have to use either upper cuts or round houses to knock him out of the air (Dragon punched and the like only get you hit as your landing), trip him (this works a good 50% of the time for me) after which you throw a well timed fireball to nail him as he gets back up, and occasional jump kicks (followed up with a "trip and fireball" attack).

    Going nuts with supers on him is useless. Ya gotta stick with the basics. Again, he still isn't easy, but he's beatable.

    Beatable with Hugo? :P I almost beat him one round yesterday. But then he took out 70% of my life in fifteen seconds.

    And here I thought Rugal '94 was difficult...

  5. Since I don't have time to read through eighteen pages of posts, I'll just say the name of the single boss I have never beaten: Gill, from Street Fighter III: Third Strike. He was beatable in Second Impact. I can't even beat him one round in Third Strike.

    There. *poof*

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